Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sam Got To Work At 815am And Left At 1030pm

also feel ... MARI LUZ

Today a wonderful poem dedicated to a land, Sanabria, a land that sits and talks, the earth earthy, which unfortunately suffers from the migration of peasants to cities . We hope you enjoy it.

Do not leave Sanabria.
not go, farmer.
That schools are closed because children are not
And every day people are being left empty.
Who will strip the berries? Who will trim the elms?
who will care for the strawberries? And who will water lilies
that the banks of the garden planted grandparents?
and also planted the chestnut and pine trees on other farms
far, no good to other crops.
Who will work the land?
who? Who but you peasant?
You can look at the gardens of others who have gone,
covered with weeds, briars and thorns.
still in the quiet countryside, farmer, Sanabria! Follow
! Keep following the team!
And to the beat of the car, sings a hymn
for your grandchildren to learn from your children ... Keep watching

cows and take them to your pastures where the birds are singing, nesting
happy as larks in the morning early riser
the farmhand, who will start the day;
that will be watered with sweat this Earth that is so healthy ,
and is walled around by mountains,
change color to which the ladies dress. Why
marches, peasant?
Why Sanabria you go?
Do not want to be me?
Farmer, do not go
not go ...
................................................. .................... Argimiro
García Crespo Barajas

Monday, January 24, 2011

How Soon Can You Bathe After A Hysterectomy


Today January 24, made 34 years from that tragic day on which, a neighbor in our neighborhood named Mari Luz Najera, a student at the University Complutense of Madrid, and only 21, was killed by a police "riot" as a result of a brutal impact in the face of a smoke canister.

The incident occurred at a rally in memory of Artudo Ruiz, a young trade union activist, killed the previous day "Anti-Communist Alliance Apostolic"
Mari Luz received a plaque in his memory, a nice gesture if not for the political parties in our neighborhood, who have tried to downplay the issue by refusing to put on the plate the date of death and its cause.

This is the democracy we live in democracy of police impunity and abuse by the English occupying forces.

To date no police have been tried.

Is this the democracy for which some give their lives?

In the memory of the victims of fascism and those who gave their lives to liberate a people. Barajas


Sunday, January 23, 2011

S3620f Power Supply Upgrade

[Madrid] Demonstration: In social rights or a step back. No to pensionazo. 01/27/2011

In 2010 the government has taken various measures to reverse course on a continuous
the rights of citizens:

* 4.6 million unemployed people
* Cheaper dismissal, which also are subsidized by public money.
* Removal of support from 426 € to the unemployed who exhaust the supply.
* Freezing pension.
* Reduction in aid to dependent persons.
* Privatization of public enterprises and services that will ultimately lead to price increases
, as we have seen the light, and continuous degradation
citizen service.
* Reduction of salaries of public employees. * Increase in the VAT

* Remove support of 2,500 € to newborns.

etc. All these measures have had the explicit approval of special
bankers and financial speculators under the pseudonym of "the markets" have been demanding more and more cuts
social and way out of a crisis that they mis-
we have caused. But the only certainty is that we increasingly have less,
fewer rights, job security, less confident, less employment and
they have more, the profits of banks and major companies the IBEX
have remained where they have not grown in the last year.

now announce the pension reform: work more years and will change
lower pensions, and say they will require more cuts. And while the youngest
unemployed. That yes, to Congress and former Presidents pen-sions
lifetime with seven years of contributions.

Negotiating a great deal of state of being complicit
CCOO-UGT is a solution to serve the Government and the bankers.,

We can not tolerate that in this 2011 business as usual, so it is necessary -
sary to go out into the street coinciding with
strikes in Catalonia, Galicia and Euskal Herria, we recover the strength that we have always had and now
to be seized.




More information on www.juventudrebelde. org .