Monday, November 29, 2010

Moka Pot Cappuccion Recipe

"And it came to an Ethiopian eunuch, an official of Queen Candace of the Ethiopians, who was of all her treasure, had come to Jerusalem to worship, again sitting in his chariot read the prophet Isaiah. And the Spirit said to Philip: Come and join this chariot (Acts 8:27-29).

had angels in heaven looking after those who went on search of light, while cooperating with those who would work in conjunction with other believers to win souls for Christ. A message from heaven was sent to Philip [one of the seven deacons chosen] to show the work to be undertaken for the Ethiopian. The evangelist was the orientation: "Arise, go south on the road that descends from Jerusalem to Gaza, which is desert."
Today, as then, the angels are guiding and leading those who allow them to be guided and directed. This angel could have done that work, but this is not how God works. The believers should relate to other believers and as instruments God, work for the lost.
Philip understood his work. This man of great authority was drawn to the Savior and could not resist the impulse. He made his high position as an excuse for not able to accept the Crucified. The evangelist asked, "Do you understand what you read? He said:" How can I, unless someone guides me? "And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him" and explain the Word of God ...
"Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning at this Scripture, preached unto him Jesus. And as he journeyed, came to some water, and the eunuch said, here is water, what hinders me from being baptized? Felipe said: If you believe with all my heart, thou mayest. Answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. And he commanded the chariot and down into the water, both Philip and the eunuch and he baptized him "...
While the angels of heaven do their work, the agents of evil work to guide the mind in any direction. Satan stands obstacles, for the mind eager to understand the Word of God is confused. It worked with Christ in the wilderness of temptation. The experience of Christ is presented in the sacred record for us to understand the methods and plans of Satan. If Philip had left the eunuch with the case hanging in the balance, we may never had accepted the Savior. The evil angels were waiting for their chance to press their falsehoods and divert the truth to the mind that had just been awakened. The messengers of God should be completely devoted to your service, so they can quickly understand the work to be performed. As wise stewards should take advantage of every circumstance that is presented to teach the grace of God and lead people to Christ (Manuscript 11, 1900). EGW


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