Sunday, November 28, 2010

Side Effects Of Using Expired Makeup

Saul became Paul, an Apostle of the Gentiles

"And he fell to ground and heard a voice saying 'Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" He said, "Who are you, Lord?" And I said, I am Jesus whom thou persecuting hard for thee to kick against the pricks "(Acts 9:4, 5).

Paul had been educated by the wisest teachers of that time. I had been taught by Gamaliel. Paul was a rabbi and a statesman. Era member of the Sanhedrin and was very zealous in his desire to eliminate Christianity. I was present at the stoning of Stephen and then we read that "Saul was ravaging the church, entering every house, dragging off men and women, committing them to jail. "But he stopped his pursuit race.
While on his way to Damascus to arrest any Christians he could find," suddenly he was surrounded by a light from heaven, and fell to the ground, heard a voice saying 'Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? ...
When Saul became Paul was called. He joined the disciples and was among the leading apostles "(Manuscript 95, 1899).
While the apostles were often killed in their conflict with evil people and the powers of darkness, were allowed to take part again in conflict, taking the win ahead or death. As evidence of having participated in the sufferings of her crucified Lord in his body bore the scars, scars and wounds that had been due to testify to his Lord.
The various episodes release and miraculous preservation in the midst of difficulties, gave testimony that Jesus lived and that his followers were protected by his power (Manuscript 58, 1900). The just and faithful
Stephen was stoned to death by the enemies of Christ. Surely not seem that God was strengthening his case on the ground thus allowing the wicked triumph, but in this circumstance Paul was converted to the faith and by His word thousands were taken in the light of the Gospel (Letter 10, 1879).
Those who were selected for the work of God must be faithful men and women and genuine workers whom God can teach, they have to impart what they receive, to proclaim the will reserve God, pointing to all those with whom they relate, what is the best way. Those who are new creatures in Christ are born of a conflict, an effort and work, born to a life in which they must enroll in the good fight of faith. Will always have at your fingertips with a power which they can achieve victory, a power that will enable them to be more than conquerors to the difficulties encountered (Letter 150, 1900). EGW


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