Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Stream Digitalplayground Free

[Yesca] Concurso de tortillas.

Saturday May 14
From 20:00
C / Picos de Europa 45

Monday, May 9, 2011

Chicken Pox After Waxing

II Technical Conference and emergency Fire Safety in tunnels (1 to June 3, 2011).

In December 2009 Fire Foundation held its first technical conference on fire safety in tunnels in Madrid. The day was a success, with an attendance of more than 160 professionals. At that meeting it became clear the need to understand the evolution and trends of fire safety in tunnels and to address other aspects such as their management and training and the personal intervention of the tunnel and the emergency services, which at that time were not exposed.

For the month of June, Fire Foundation announces the II Technical Conference on Fire Safety and Emergency tunnel with more ambitious than the last, addressing not only the latest in fire safety facilities in tunnels but also the management and involvement in them.

The conference will take place in one of the best places for this type of activity such as TST plants found in San Pedro de Anes. Therefore, the afternoon sessions will take place in the pilot tunnel will run TST where various practices and workshops for all attendees that will bring to them the difficulties, problems and solutions of security against fires and emergencies in tunnels.

addition, there will be professionals from other countries that will transfer knowledge and practices elsewhere.

and inscrpciones
More in:

Prayer For Defense On Thesis

€ 6.3 million to update Malmasín tunnels (Bizkaia).

News taken from: http:// www.elcorreo.com/ (Eva Molano).

The works will last 15 months and aims to modernize systems for fire detection and lighting galleries


- The tunnels have a length of 1,340 meters and daily support the passage of more than 71,000 vehicles.

- The pit bid now run four years after the end of his first reform, which cost another 9.7 million.

Malmasin tunnels, the main access to the capital of Guipuzcoa and Vizcaya from inside the province, will undergo a comprehensive reform that will last for 15 months by the difficulty of not severe traffic disruption support during the day. The County Council is embarking on a costly process and improve the safety of the galleries of Biscay, after announcing last month the need to eliminate technical faults detected in the tunnels of Artxanda, worth another 4.3 million.

Repair of galleries Malmasin cost 2 million more, but the statutory argument to address the improvement of both infrastructure is similar: to adapt to the demanding statutory legislation passed in 2008, which regulates the technical conditions to be met such facilities. As explained by the deputy of Social Action and the Regional Administration spokesman Juan María Aburto, poor Malmasín were also revealed in the recent analysis by the Inspection Agency Tunnels Bizkaia (OITB), which for three years overseeing the safety of the roads that run underground.

patches, one constant

The difference is that while just Artxanda galleries are 10 years of life, of Malmasin opened in 1975. Then, the works cost 2,400 million pesetas, but over time, the complex engineering work began to show its weaknesses. The tunnels have always been a sensitive point of the road network, as its 1,340 meters daily traffic support more than 71,000 vehicles, which are much heavy transport, contributing to the aging of the original concrete was of the galleries.

patches have been constant throughout its history. In fact, the pit now bid for a maximum of 6.3 million will run four and half years after the end of its first comprehensive reform, which cost 9.7 million to provincial coffers and required another 2 years and 3 months' night, although one hundred days were lost due to maintenance and special operations, traffic and sports events.

modernization began in 2004 and In parallel, the council took the opportunity to increase link capacity of Basauri at a point where, often resulting in delays. Among other jobs, improved the firm and coated the walls with steel plates for greater visibility. In addition, doors were placed between the two tunnels, speed controls input and 384 markers for marking distances.

The work that will begin this year, however, seek to modernize the existing services at their disposal galleries and complete the improvements made in advance. For example, modify the lighting system and install a new emergency lighting. Also replaced the wiring will improve security and fire detection system, increasing the capacity of pipes adapted species and systems of surveillance and control of the tunnel, signaling and paging. Finally, install new pressurization system, a line of fire-resistant wiring and a new ventilation system to replace the current, which reaches 30 units.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Wizard Of Oz Decoratons

Computer magazines and online world off

Just before opening the browser was leafing through a computer magazine consumption. Have long since stopped buying them. For a while, even browsing in the library, in fact, I still do occasionally ... In this 2008 article: Computer Magazines: the prayer card scam , and gutted by analyzing the ratio content / advertising ...

Since then, the thing has not changed much. What struck me is that although this book is not the same as then analyzed , it also includes several pages of "recommended sites". No longer Funny, from my point of view, since maybe three years ago people were not accustomed to the internet, but today, I would say that absolutely everything the target audience of these magazines know what is Google and how to find it. So what sense does it recommend a website in a magazine? If I am interested in, for example, bingo, open a new tab, type "bingo" and I get literally hundreds of recommendations of "bingo" (including a group of bingo results near where I live .) I guess once again, these recommendations are not "altruistic" and is based on paying a certain amount to the magazine part of the web ... Only then can it be understood that "fancybingo.com" which is the site in question recommended by the magazine, not appear among the first five pages of results Google. And I would play something that any fan of bingo decided to try his fortune online past the first page of results ...

However, if something has changed, and I would say radically in the last three years, are mobile phones. As shown in the chart-outdated-Nielsen, predictions penetration of smartphones in the U.S. market were unstoppable, where one of every two people would have one of these smartphone 2011:
say that this ratio must be significantly greater for the target of "computer magazines, and your readers have some filia by gadgets and an obsessive hobby be the last .

Thus, it would be strange to assume that most likely the average reader of this magazine has a smartphone , from which you can access the Internet via a data connection. But although the introduction of url's in phones has improved a lot, write web site address is an annoyance. To avoid having to enter addresses hand on the phones, commonly used QR codes: through the phone's camera takes a photo of QR code printed in a magazine or ad, the phone decodes the information contained in it (which is usually the URL of the advertiser) and launch the browser so the user can visit the page without problems ... That is, the QR code is the bridge, thanks to mobile phones across the world allows us offline to online in a single click.

The magazine, however, have not found a single QR code (77 pages).

is true that, in the West, QR codes are not popular. But if a site can be useful, it is in computer magazines, where web content and are closely linked and where the target audience would appreciate to evaluate the recommendations of the magazine ...

In any case, if someone wants to promote this website in the offline world, I encourage you to print out and paste on all sides the following code: self_loving.blogspot.com (via Google Charts)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Is There A Cheat To Get Squirtle

Homenaje a Patricia Heras en la Alameda de Osuna

Patricia Heras had been convicted of incidents Sant Pere Mes Alt where a member of the City Police received a blow that left him quadriplegic. She always defended his innocence. Amnesty International reported the case and the torture inflicted on l @ s @ s arrested

After 6 months in prison Patricia decides to commit suicide after the political and social persecution received.

Antifascist youth area of \u200b\u200bAlameda de Osuna have decided to expose the real culprit in this tragedy, State terrorism. Pushing

suicide is also murder Barajas


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Itchy Skin On The Stomach

SyncDocs: sync your documents between your computer and Google Docs

Through LifeHacker SyncDocs have known. In short, synchronized SyncDocs Google Docs documents to a local folder on your computer, bidirectionally.

Regular use of SyncDocs is expected of a product whose name is formed by sync docs and : synchronize local documents in a folder of our team with the documents in Google Docs. Whether you regularly use Google Docs as not, you can think of SyncDocs as a mini-Dropbox focused only documents. That is, you can create your documents in your office application favorite offline (MS Office, OpenOffice or any other) and SyncDocs be responsible for uploading to Google Docs . Or you can create online in Google Docs SyncDocs and you download them to your computer so you can use them offline. And there is still a third combination, use Google Docs to edit your local files ...

As shown in the promotional video below, the changes made in either version of the document are replicated in the other version, and can control who makes what changes to the document, which is interesting to collaborate in the drafting of a document simultaneously:

SyncDocs Currently in beta, and its terms of use seems it could be a model of payment once the developers consider it ready for production. But until then, it is worth using. In the couple of days I have been using it, is running smoothly, with constant updates (almost one a day).

Another advantage, at least from my point of view, is that there is a portable version, which allows us to test the program, or backup Our local documents in Google Docs-without having to install anything on our team. It also allows us to change Google Docs account easily, so although we have documents scattered in various accounts, working with multiple accounts should not be a problem (although we can not be connected to more than one account at a time). ( Well, it is likely that we can use multiple copies of SyncDocs Portable, but I have not tried ... )

In fact, although do not use Google Docs for documents, you can use as a solution SyncDocs exclusive backup documents, and so sure that even before the loss or malfunction of equipment from where you work, your documents are safe.

This option is limited by the small capacity of Google Docs (only 1GB). Perhaps the ideal would be to add the option of using SyncDocs with Skydrive (and 25GB of storage) and the ability to create / edit MS Office files, working with them both online and offline (via MS Office) ... Perhaps the developers decide to add this functionality later, or on a paid edition ... Or maybe Microsoft simply does not provide the tools needed to create a SyncDocs this functionality ...

Currently, supposed SyncDocs a good addition to applications that help us work in our day to day with a walk in the cloud and the other on earth (for when the tag fails us or we were not connected).

Chest Hurts Protein Shake

musical Minutes: Wolfram

long ago I spent an afternoon wandering through internal looking for something new in music ... Or it would be more accurate, that everything was in the usual places like a copy of something else.

Anyway, today I made a discovery double Wolfram : its music and retro web ...

Although first called my attention to his music, which led me to write this article was the web, or rather, the concept behind the design of the website: teletext the .

The home Wolfram site encourages you to make and lose click the mouse. The reason a site made with the look and functionality of videotext: low resolution and based navigation numeric codes: 100 for the menu / page, 165 for the page dedicated to their self-titled "Wolfram", etc. ..

An interesting and original concept.

Another interesting anecdote related to their videos: the fan video of Hold my breath has a quality far superior to the video by Wolfram himself video for Fireworks , which mimics the style fan videos, see the mouse moving across the screen, the volume indicator, images taken from the Internet and shabby style is probably intentional and adds that extra amateur fun (though I leave with that of Hold my breath) ...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Do Cocoa Butter Remove Dark Spots

Arrange the windows in "vertical mosaic" in Windows 7

One of the features of Windows 7 that captivated me from day one was the ability to drag a window to one of the banks and the system resizes it to 50% the size of the screen. This has split the workspace into two windows side by side, has become a natural gesture.

However, this facility to place the windows in what was formerly called "tile horizontally" means that option is gone vertical tiling, ie a window on the other.

A quick search on Google showed me that this option is still available, but is somewhat more hidden than it was earlier in Windows XP. In HowToGeek explain how:
  1. Open the TaskManager .
  2. windows we selected tiling (using Ctrl + click). We
  3. click the right mouse button and select Tile Horizontally or Vertical Mosaic.
certainly one of those tricks worth remembering (and I'm going to start to use extensively).

Monday, May 2, 2011

Sample Of Authorization To Disconnect Service

Defendamos lo publico, ¡No a la privatización!

Thursday May 5 at 19:30 Sol de Cibeles

not cut more! Defend
publish it!

Emerald Tree Boa For Sale In Florida

Hackintosh in virtual machine - again

After that, update, virtual machine with Mac OS X not restart, I reinstalled to keep trying things. However, as I'm pretty busy lately, after installation I have not advanced much more ...

But I wanted to mention some things that perhaps might be useful: first, after you install and configure a virtual machine, it is best to take a snapshot. Prior to VMware, the album became not permanent. In this way, every time you turn off the virtual machine to rule changes (making makes it an ideal test bed). But as I am new in Virtual Box, I'm still not used to perform the equivalent process: take a snapshot.

The snapshot, as its name suggests, takes a photo machine, so we can return to any of these previous statements when we want.

Once inside the machine with Mac OS X, I catches a few notable details of the operating system. The first, the process of installing TextWrangler:
If you want to install the application, drag the icon to the Applications folder, literally. Nothing next, next and such ...

Another thing I loved: while downloading a file, the icon displays a progress bar indicating the percentage in you downloaded.

A couple of things every day why I like this OS ...