Saturday, May 7, 2011

Wizard Of Oz Decoratons

Computer magazines and online world off

Just before opening the browser was leafing through a computer magazine consumption. Have long since stopped buying them. For a while, even browsing in the library, in fact, I still do occasionally ... In this 2008 article: Computer Magazines: the prayer card scam , and gutted by analyzing the ratio content / advertising ...

Since then, the thing has not changed much. What struck me is that although this book is not the same as then analyzed , it also includes several pages of "recommended sites". No longer Funny, from my point of view, since maybe three years ago people were not accustomed to the internet, but today, I would say that absolutely everything the target audience of these magazines know what is Google and how to find it. So what sense does it recommend a website in a magazine? If I am interested in, for example, bingo, open a new tab, type "bingo" and I get literally hundreds of recommendations of "bingo" (including a group of bingo results near where I live .) I guess once again, these recommendations are not "altruistic" and is based on paying a certain amount to the magazine part of the web ... Only then can it be understood that "" which is the site in question recommended by the magazine, not appear among the first five pages of results Google. And I would play something that any fan of bingo decided to try his fortune online past the first page of results ...

However, if something has changed, and I would say radically in the last three years, are mobile phones. As shown in the chart-outdated-Nielsen, predictions penetration of smartphones in the U.S. market were unstoppable, where one of every two people would have one of these smartphone 2011:
say that this ratio must be significantly greater for the target of "computer magazines, and your readers have some filia by gadgets and an obsessive hobby be the last .

Thus, it would be strange to assume that most likely the average reader of this magazine has a smartphone , from which you can access the Internet via a data connection. But although the introduction of url's in phones has improved a lot, write web site address is an annoyance. To avoid having to enter addresses hand on the phones, commonly used QR codes: through the phone's camera takes a photo of QR code printed in a magazine or ad, the phone decodes the information contained in it (which is usually the URL of the advertiser) and launch the browser so the user can visit the page without problems ... That is, the QR code is the bridge, thanks to mobile phones across the world allows us offline to online in a single click.

The magazine, however, have not found a single QR code (77 pages).

is true that, in the West, QR codes are not popular. But if a site can be useful, it is in computer magazines, where web content and are closely linked and where the target audience would appreciate to evaluate the recommendations of the magazine ...

In any case, if someone wants to promote this website in the offline world, I encourage you to print out and paste on all sides the following code: (via Google Charts)


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