Monday, May 2, 2011

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Hackintosh in virtual machine - again

After that, update, virtual machine with Mac OS X not restart, I reinstalled to keep trying things. However, as I'm pretty busy lately, after installation I have not advanced much more ...

But I wanted to mention some things that perhaps might be useful: first, after you install and configure a virtual machine, it is best to take a snapshot. Prior to VMware, the album became not permanent. In this way, every time you turn off the virtual machine to rule changes (making makes it an ideal test bed). But as I am new in Virtual Box, I'm still not used to perform the equivalent process: take a snapshot.

The snapshot, as its name suggests, takes a photo machine, so we can return to any of these previous statements when we want.

Once inside the machine with Mac OS X, I catches a few notable details of the operating system. The first, the process of installing TextWrangler:
If you want to install the application, drag the icon to the Applications folder, literally. Nothing next, next and such ...

Another thing I loved: while downloading a file, the icon displays a progress bar indicating the percentage in you downloaded.

A couple of things every day why I like this OS ...


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