Thursday, May 5, 2011

Chest Hurts Protein Shake

musical Minutes: Wolfram

long ago I spent an afternoon wandering through internal looking for something new in music ... Or it would be more accurate, that everything was in the usual places like a copy of something else.

Anyway, today I made a discovery double Wolfram : its music and retro web ...

Although first called my attention to his music, which led me to write this article was the web, or rather, the concept behind the design of the website: teletext the .

The home Wolfram site encourages you to make and lose click the mouse. The reason a site made with the look and functionality of videotext: low resolution and based navigation numeric codes: 100 for the menu / page, 165 for the page dedicated to their self-titled "Wolfram", etc. ..

An interesting and original concept.

Another interesting anecdote related to their videos: the fan video of Hold my breath has a quality far superior to the video by Wolfram himself video for Fireworks , which mimics the style fan videos, see the mouse moving across the screen, the volume indicator, images taken from the Internet and shabby style is probably intentional and adds that extra amateur fun (though I leave with that of Hold my breath) ...


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