Saturday, February 12, 2011

Canon Clogged Print Head Blog

free, NO thanks! Barajas Free antennas! Because our land

There have been many demonstrations, rallies or neighborhood protests against mobile phone masts have in our town, but the end result is always the same, still the same, nothing unusual to have as a councilman, a character from the PP which describes itself as incompetent more than 5 times on the boards Barajeñas.

The response to the protests is always the same, "emissions are not dangerous to health "is something we can counter with highly tested several studies, which do not take into account is the health of our neighbors, not just physical but mental health, or did this not count?

A clear example is the antenna of the luxurious residence "Montserrat Caballé" managed by "messengers of peace" and funded by Caja Madrid, located in the area of \u200b\u200bCorralejo, hiding under a "stack" the antenna, only 10 meters from the homes of our neighbors.

From Barajas is we want to support all LA Anarchist vecinxs in struggle and call for removal of the antennas in urban centers and a handful of Euros are worth more than our health.

Vecina if not fight, no one hears you!

Barajas Castilla


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