Monday, February 14, 2011

My Cervix At 4 Weeks Pregnant

In Barajas, less macho and more socialism! Cancer

Barajas the street, notes on a historic machismo.

The street is one way to portray the mentality of an era.
In the case of District of Barajas, we find a street
has been made mainly during the twentieth century,
especially in the second half.
Within this mentality prevalent in society, and very
especially its ruling classes, in charge of naming
to the streets of the district, is the machismo. I analyze how this
machismo has been present in the streets of our district.

Alameda de Osuna. In this neighborhood predominate streets that make reference to
maritime transport (Canoa, Batel, Sloop, Sail
, Goleta, ...). As the streets are for people
we find 4 streets dedicated to men (Antonio
Sancha, Benito Monfort, Joaquín Ibarra and Manuel Aguilar Muñoz),
related to the world printing; a street dedicated to a man
fiction and his dog (Tintin and Snowy), and gardens devoted
a woman, Luz Maria Najera, fighter freedom. In
Alameda de Osuna won 5 to 1 men.

Quarter For Airport streets refer to
towns in the province of Burgos (Medina de Pomar,
Trespaderne, Pradoluengo ,..). As for the streets that make reference
people we encountered 2 recently assigning
name, referring to men (James Armijo:
maimed knight's camp Colonel Rebel Civil War, and
Luis Gutierrez Soto, architect) and no women. 2 to 0 win
men in the Barrio del Aeropuerto.

Historic Area. predominate in this neighborhood streets
make reference to stars and constellations (Mercury, Uranus, Saturn, Gemini
...). As the streets are for people
streets, we encountered 2 men dedicated to (Gonzalo de Céspedes
: writer, and pastor Max Martinez de Castro), a square
(Falco Brothers and Alvarez Toledo: faction fighters
rebel in the Civil War) and a street named after a character in literary
male (Buscón Don Pablos). As women we
find a street named after Cervantes's mother (Leonor
of Cortina), one dedicated to a saint (Saint Hedwig) and a dedicated
a virgin ( Nuestra Señora de Araceli). Casco Histórico
men win 4 to 3, although the situation of women
is clearly insufficient and marked by Catholicism
prevailing in the second half of the twentieth century: a mother, a
saint and a virgin.

Timon: predominate in this neighborhood streets that reference
winds (cyclones, hurricanes, air, Tornado ,...), elements related to
aviation (Wings, Aircraft, Autogyro ,...) or localities
start with A (Alar del Rey, Alaro, Algemesí ,..). As for the streets
referring to people we meet
1 street dedicated to men
(Calderón, writer) and a place dedicated to women
(Our Lady of Loreto). Even here there is a tie
theoretical returns to be influenced by Catholicism
prevailing: a man writer and a virgin.

In the quarter-Coronales Corralejos no roads dedicated to
people. We find that reference Street
locations starting with B (Boiro, Borox, Babylon ,..), with
Coronales recent nomenclature, referring to the Bays (From
Almeria, Cadiz, Malaga ,..).

In summary, in the streets dedicated to people, we
with 12 dedicated dedicated men and 5 women. In the latter case
, Catholicism prevailing in the second half of the twentieth century marked
Name 3 of them, another figure by the fact that
mother of a man, and only Luz Maria Najera figure for reasons

The last assignment of street names Barajas district
corresponds to April 2007, the last plenary session of the previous term.
In it, the proposal of Councillor PP 3 blocks were allocated
men (Pastor Maximo Martinez de Castro, James Armijo and
Luis Gutiérrez Soto), a joint proposal by the three groups
political (PP, PSOE and IU) was given the name of the Jardines de M ª Luz
Nájera, the proposal of the Territorial Council was given the name
Greenway of Gasoline.

It is incumbent upon all who live in the XXI century change this
machismo situation prevailing in the street, driving
women naming new streets in the district.
The application of the Law of Historic Memory also should be
reality in the district, eliminating those men who are
present for the only "merit? having fought on the side
undemocratic Civil War.

Alberto Lopez Langa.


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