Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Car Bill Of Sale Ontario

Beware! Barajas Thieves! Interview with Ernesto Jauretche

So, thieves roam freely through the streets of our people with impunity, protected for that justice which say they trust. We will introduce

two specimens, which unfortunately are not in danger of extinction, both members of the PP.

First we have to Tomás Serrano, this council of our people, charged and convicted among many other things in advance of full time from 18:00 to 14:30, stealing it, the right have the people to participate, just come getting councilors and members.

Second, and no less important fact, we have Jorge Barbadillo, former councilmen of our people and guilty of stealing public funds the amount of 72,445 euros. Barbadillo
was sentenced to 18 months in prison which do not comply, leaving the sentence to just two years of suspension from public office, charges which will handle his heir Thomas Serrano.

From Barajas Castilla want to call.
campesinxs Ciudadanxs and Barajas, beware, thieves are loose and dangerous.

Organize and fight!
We want poor and without rights!

Barajas Castilla


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