Friday, April 29, 2011

Best Boxing Gym In Toronto


Legazpi Square at 11:30 am to Plaza Museo Reina Sofía

The May 1st we celebrate an international day of struggle of the working class. As in many things, the various governments and trade unions aimed at reducing system that day to witness a day, a holiday more.
If for us / I on 1 May was always a day of fighting, there are more reasons than ever to make the day a day of protest and struggle of the / these workers is in the world. Just two months ago
Government, employers and trade unions signed system delay retirement age to 67 years, imposed a historic setback a fundamental right such as pensions reform took for good job easy and cheap dismissal and sealed all in a to dismantle Social Pact the immediate prospect of a new general strike.
As we reported at the time, the Covenant is an attempt to tie the hands of the / these workers / s while the Government continues to impose measures bankers social war. While the unemployment rate stands at about five million workers is continuing closures (264 each day) and layoffs.
Rising prices shoot the cost of living and wages are thus losing their purchasing power. In sectors such as public employees and the reduction exceeds the 50% loss of purchasing power in the last two decades. Both
Labour reform, such as increasing the retirement age and contribution period have a greater impact if the already precarious working conditions of women. Also remain highly feminized sectors (education, health, care, etc) where these sectors, starting more precarious, especially affected by privatization. The cut in social sector investments will fall in a special way on the backs of women who lose the little support they received, for example in the care of sons and daughters.
The reform of collective bargaining in which toil government, CEOE-UGT and CCOO aims to give companies more power to "relaxed" working conditions; fall from wage increases; imposing binding decisions, as in the Franco era, when there is no agreement, and are settled in fact the provincial agreements. Thus attempt to impose agreements not only poverty but to grant a monopoly bargaining CCOO and UGT, ending all trade union opposition, denying representation to the vast majority of the / these workers / es and all the unions that oppose this policy of systematic delivery of rights.
While still impose the policy of general impoverishment of the working class, millions continue to aid the banks, now in the form of support for the privatization of the Savings . No repair to accelerate the privatization of public services like post offices, health or education, for business groups to make basic needs a delicious source of business. Therefore, in crisis, only companies listed on the IBEX-35 have pocketed in 2010 more than 50,000 million euros of profit (51636.99), beating the record high attained in 2007 and surpassing the 23.14 % of 2009 profits.
output for social workers and the crisis
The more we tighten the screws on the working class more insist on saying that "there is another solution to the crisis." Each presented as they adopt on behalf of interest general, and thus generate a climate of opinion for the / o workers is to resign themselves to the inevitability of such measures. The so-called general interest is nothing but a scam for the benefit of private interests. should actually say "there is another solution to the crisis if it wants to continue the business of a handful of capitalists, bankers and multinationals."
But since the interest of the / these workers is in the vast majority of people, yes there is another solution to the crisis, a solution that requires action resolutely anti-capitalist. Therefore
• The Nationalization of the Banking and sectors strategic economic (Health, Education, Transport, Energy and Communication).
· For permanent employment ONE OR MORE DISCHARGE. 35-hour working day with all the employment and wages, retirement at age 60 with replacement contract. No more EREs authorization. Unemployment benefits indefinitely to all the people standing up to its relocation, and matching the lowest pensions to minimum wage.
· By promoting a fair distribution of work, paid or not, between women and men.
• Prohibition by law of privatization of public services, offshoring and outsourcing companies. Prohibition of evictions and remit the payment of the mortgage on the first home to the unemployed.
· For the creation of public employment, should be reversed in public services and privatization. You have to cover all places of public administration. More jobs in social services (kindergartens, care for dependents, etc.) and environmental protection and combating climate change.
· For a profound agrarian reform based on expropriation without compensation to the landlords, fostering agricultural cooperation, enhancing the infrastructure and industrializing agricultural areas.
· For the removal of subsidies State to the Royal Family and the Church.
· Reform tax, to keep a really progressive tax system to pay more have the most! Prosecution of fraud.
· The social and environmental needs are beyond the business of finance. Stop speculation on public property! ! Not to pay the public debt at the expense of the working class!
A May 1st in solidarity with the / o workers is the world
Come with us / you to the May 1


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