Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Should I Have Clear Mucus Right Before My Period?

11 Abril, Concentración en homenaje a Carlos

Monday April 11, 2011 at 20:00 pm

Summons: Committee Defense of the antifascist
Madrid Plaza de la Beata Maria Ana de Jesus. Metro Legazpi
Three years and five months. This is the time that has passed since Joshua Estébanez, a neo-Nazi and military professionals, will take the life of our friend Carlos in Metro Legazpi, when he went with other comrades to protest against a racist call not far in this neighborhood.
Three years and five months in which we no longer remember our friend Carlos. He has been with us in every one of the organized anti-fascist movement that has taken all this time. His memory drives us every day to not succumb to fascism or repression, his image has become an integral part, along with so many others, the vast heritage of the struggle against fascism and racism.
Three years and five months have passed since, facing down those who wanted to stop, thousands of anti-fascist march around Madrid and we did not stop until we reach our goal, to get to Metro Legazpi and place the plaque in honor of our partner. Demonstrate that unforgettable day when we are united hit an unstoppable force that can hardly be contained.
However, much remains to be done. Fighting Fascism does not stop for a moment. In the present circumstances of the structural crisis of the capitalist system, we can expect that Fascist organizations try to enter your xenophobic discourse in our neighborhoods and that institutional racism carried out against one of the most vulnerable sectors of society, migrant workers go increasing. Our responsibility as a fascist, is to stay alert and not allow fascism, however expressed, in a single step without a fight.
Concentration in homage to Carlos:
Monday April 11, 2011 at 20:00 pm Plaza de la Beata María Ana de Jesus. Metro Legazpi
will not


Defense Commission of the Madrid antifascist

Fake Drivers Licence Templates

(Almuñecar) demonstrates safety in a drill. Vehicle

Information and images taken from:

accident had 15 wounded and a vehicle with dangerous goods.

Cantalobos The tunnel, located in the A-7 passing through Almuñécar, showed yesterday why he is considered one of the safest in Spain. For this was a mock accident that involved several vehicles, one loaded with dangerous goods, and in which fifteen people were injured in a different account.

Operators Control Center of the Horseshoe Tunnel looked through the event cameras and a few seconds later gave notice to the Emergency Coordination Center, at 112, and 061 firefighters who acted quickly and within minutes the motorway and was cut between Almuñécar and La Herrdura.

The massive presence of agents of the Guardia Civil Traffic reminded access to drivers, who were led astray by the old N340, that something big was happening, especially when Motril and Almuñécar fire also reached the area. It was only a drill and all went well, fortunately.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Finger Tingling And Eyes Blur

23 de Abril, día Nacional de Castilla

A year, is held in the camp of the Communards Villalar (Valladolid) Villalar Party, an act to vegan Comunerxs vindicating killed in the battle of Villalar in 1521.
A good day to reflect, and to have fun with traditional games, concerts, crafts, film ...

Prices Concerts:
Friday 22: Input 5 Euros consumición.Sábado 23: Free admission

for sovereignty, social justice and advocacy land.
See you in Castilla, we party!

Barajas Castilla

Friday, March 25, 2011

1977 Ford Pinto Cruising Wagon For Sale

Braindump - the Google Chrome web application Minutes

Yesterday I caught the bug of webapps to Google Chrome, and after searching the internet, I discovered that " hosted apps" are really easy to create ...

So without further ado, I present the APPLICATION official website for Google Chrome Braindump!

The issue I have hanging in my account: Braindump - the official blog webapp .

Installation Download the application and launch it on any open window in Google Chrome.
The browser will ask you to install it.
After putting a face rare as " and why could I not want to install a web application as superchachi ?", Click OK with conviction.

Tacháaaan , now, to open a new tab in Chrome, you'll see the new webapp iconillo so cool with this brain-mouse fluorescent green color.

Using the web app

  1. Click on the icon of the webapp.
  2. The browser will load a web page superchachi .
  3. advantage.

option: leave a comment saying what you think of the amazing blog, Web application, so lean that even if you see me so little to the gym or whatever else you mind. ..

Known bugs in the web app


  • Google Chrome. Chromium
  • .
  • Other browsers: With other browsers you can surf the internet. There. With Google Chrome, in addition, you can install this fantastic webapp. Do not think twice. Our operators are waiting for your call. Webapp to get this fantastic price you see on screen. Remember, this application can not be obtained in stores and only available through the web. For the price of a web app get one of the fastest web browsers on the Internet.

Other considerations on the web app

The web app works like a bookmark, that is, a bookmark, you click it and go to the website. If you wonder why bother to make a web app for this, the answer is ... "Well, why not ?

addition, everyone can have a favorite application, the user simply press Ctrl + D and go. Some sites even had a little button that, when pressed, adding web page automagically to favorites ... But a webapp ... not everyone has a webapp ...

Some call that being cool; I call superchachi . Why? Because I'm worth it ...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Interactional Masterbatimg

music: a little of everything (ie what is on my iPod)

Maybe it's because I slept well, because the group that tested here today has decided to play around in the morning or because the weather is nice (though it is cold): the fact is that today I launched Internet and have been "diving" in search of new music (ie, no special reason, I felt like it.)

few weeks ago, I put my iPod on a diet, removing a song here a song there ... I am leaving only those songs that, at least for the moment, are special to me, give me good vibes or they just help me to relax when I close my eyes and let the world outside.

Some that come are Oceana or Eliza Doolittle, in both cases, part of the topic with which he had known (and links to YouTube), the rest of album did not say much ... I have also eliminated the last traces of 88 Kids remaining and soon disappears last Jamiroquai, which I found quite Light; I'd say you need to make you a remix and give a little cane in general ... Okay, but lacks something .

Another is to delete disappear is the disk "Agnes" Agnes Carlsson of Release Me (known simply as Agnes ). You keep holding on, and I've caught some love-is Kaprelian Tamar, practically all the songs on the album I like, which is not bad ... In addition to the link to their official website, I leave you with the video of Mornings March on YouTube (perhaps the least poppy ; here you can hear some Journey songs on acoustic version).

In recent entries, find a semifinalist in the "race to Eurovision" Swedish: Try Again of Dilba (this is the live performance ), as well as buying a sandwich Any way of Scissor Sisters, who for some reason was gathering dust in your hard drive and had not gone to the iPod ...

Following this personal list of preferences of what's in my iPod, others are cheering every time the shuffle you are The Lost Fingers, with their versions of topics 80. Here you live version of Billie Jean ; just brutaaaaal! (Eps through related videos find that they were playing in the program Buenafuente: Pump up the jam )

Following this, for want of a way-post-musical information, yesterday I received an email Icho (from Jenny and The Mexicats ) announcing that touch the next April 22 in Barcelona in Elèctric Bar. I have just returned to the head while watching a video of Katie Costello YouTube. The video in question is "Ashes Ashes ." As you can see, video part of a series of videos launch of their forthcoming album, Lamplight coming out on 22 February.

Although the video is recorded in what looks like the room of your house, the sound quality is very good, until I would say I prefer the piano version only the album version ...

Anyway, made me think of Jenny and The Mexicats and how their issues are extremely difficult to find, with good quality "on YouTube , and themes that are almost always hung by his followers in some of their actions live. Even his MySpace , right now there is only one issue ... In his previous MySpace , under the name of Pachucos and Princess , only one issue (which I love, BTW). In the absence of any official video, here you have the funny video they recorded for his song "I do not know why way," or other it with a photo slideshow very well done ...

back to Katie Costello, has been precisely to hear the song that I was hooked ... Although the place where I heard it commented that Lamplight is his second work, the truth is that I had never heard of it ... Furthermore, critics, especially the official - are generally the worst imaginable guide to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhether something might like ... In particular, the description of this disc was copy-stolen Blogcritics. As always, the solution is simple: pass what the experts say, look at YouTube and the music experience for yourself ...

For Katie Costello, the song has me hooked, it was the one that opens the album: "Cassette Tape" and then embed:
Besides good roll me the song, the issue of cassette tapes echoes some fiber in my heart ... And I am not alone, as I said in this blog long ...

In any case, so surely will not share are the final sentences of the video: "I hate talking")

Friday, March 18, 2011

Men Fashion Style Nigeria

intervention AVE tunnels between Figueres and Perpignan.

TP Concessionary Ferro, SA is the company who was awarded the construction and subsequent operation and maintenance of the stretch of high-speed train between Figueres and Perpignan, which is Perthus tunnel of 8.3 kilometers in length. The award, which was made in 2004, and stated that society should also work with emergency services on both sides of the border in the event of a loss, by providing firefighters a couple of special vehicles such interventions. The second vehicle will operate on French territory. Both are owned by TP Ferro Concessionaire, SA.

Vehicle is bimodal, ie that can be moved by road and by rail through a special device. This mechanism is to raise the truck with arms at a height that allows you to hold onto his second set of wheels, the train. The same system makes the operation itself is made up of the roads and when it is fully completed, the vehicle is completely on track and ready to work.

Firefighters of Catalonia, as established in the agreement that will be responsible for managing the maintenance of the new vehicle, collaborated with the concessionaire in the technical definition of the vehicle, the functions to be performed and their needs. They also monitor their manufacturing process, tests were made and now attend training organized TP Ferro Concesionaria SA., And to be followed by members of the parks of La Jonquera, Figueres, Roses and Llançà.

The vehicle is based at the fire station in Figueres, though, when circumstances so require, may be shifted to the South Boca Perthus tunnel. This is a double cab truck, with seating for six occupants, with three closets and a rear side for the material firefighters. There is also a water tank with a capacity of 2,500 liters plus a reserve of 500 liters. In the tank is incorporated into the foam compartment with a capacity of 500 liters.

Similarly, the vehicle has a monitor on the roof, from which water can be released. The monitor is controlled from inside the cabin. We have also installed two devices obstacle detection radar near the track, which works with an acoustic warning system, a content ready to perform the evacuation of at least two people who may have been injured in an emergency. The vehicle also incorporates a cabin pressurization, which guarantees the safety of firefighters in an atmosphere of smoke.

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Bonos ayuda para Villalar

If you want to collaborate in the construction of the commemorative celebration of the April 23 Villalar, and you can get your voucher assistance for 5 Euros, to be entered into a drawing for a trip to Cuba for two people.

The general rules are:

one week - choose from 15 September to 30 November
Coinciding with last three digits of the draw of the ONCE on 1 May 2011
Flight , bed and breakfast, transfers and taxes included
visa on account of / a prize / a. Due Date May 15, 2011.
A concrete with the organization and the travel agency in the mail

For our memory, our future
Villalar See you!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Breats Size Country Map

Barajas no es Madrid, ¡Barajas es Castilla!

At a special meeting of the Plenary Hall of the day Barajas March 18, 1950, among the issues discussed by the city, he noticed a brief letter from the Municipality Madrid, which set the fateful day 31, at 5 pm to celebrate the event which would take over the municipal government of our people WITH MANY ASSETS, RIGHTS AND SERVICES YOU BELONG.

It was a processed form antisoberano regime identical to that happened in other towns close to Madrid.

With this procedure, without protest or lament with this tremendous irregularity is completely destroyed all symbols of the old town hall and with it all identity as an independent people that we deserve, stealing social rights our rural lifestyle and the power of decision to which we are entitled.

Fight for what is ours
Barajeños schiphol to vegan!
For a united and spirited

Barajas Castilla

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hairy Mama Podglodanie

Fiesta Irlandesa el 18 de Marzo

Irish Festival Friday March 18 from 20:00 The Cultural Association
Castila Commoner.
C / Picos de Europa, 45 (Portazgo meters). Madrid.
with various Irish beers, set in Irish music, snacks and giveaways.

See you in Castilla, we party! AFAO

Quadriderm For Burns?

Search Google dragging the text to the area of \u200b\u200btabs in Chrome / Chromium

In Google Chrome can select text on any web page and select the context menu "Search Google 'blah blah' ." Similarly, we can right-click on a link and select " Open in a new window / tab ."

Through a message sent to Lifehacker, I learn that it is possible to achieve the same functionality by dragging the link or selected text to the area to the right of the tabs.

Although I am giving the right and voila! , the truth is that this trick can be useful in some cases (perhaps on a Mac, where there is no right).

In any case, another one of those little things he did not know of a browser that has become my default browser.

PS Chromium also works in !

Sunday, March 13, 2011

What Does Pain In Right Arm Mean

Concentración vecinal en la Alameda de Osuna

The neighborhood association has called a rally in Alameda de Osuna metro to require changes in the neighborhood, such as the completion of the Via Verde, creating an underground car park and the creation of a decent sidewalk one of our streets.

large concentration was still raining, but the topics discussed most disappointing, given that many of us believe vecinxs more appropriate to speak and raise awareness of social problems, guilty of this difficult situation in which we live, not the dog droppings are not collected by their owners or the type of plants we have in our neighborhoods.

Vecina if not fight, no one hears you!
For a united and militant neighborhood

Barajas Castilla

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Poptropica Member Accounts

ALAMYS - Latin American Association Metro and Suburban.

ALAMYS - The Latin American Association of Metros and Suburban:

meeting point for exchange and sharing of knowledge, experiences, concerns and information on suburban rail networks meter.

More information:

Pregnancy Week 9 Mucous

Simulation in the TRAM Metropolitano de Alicante.

spend 20 minutes midnight when Command Post of the TRAM of The Navy says the phone 112 that has been a serious collision of two trains between stations Luceros and Market. The announcement sets up a complex system of emergency response to rescue the wounded as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, this time, the situation is not real, but a simulation exercise on Monday night by the TRAM Metropolitano de Alicante to verify the effectiveness of coordination of resources for a possible emergency situation and make Self-Test Plan of the Railways of the Generalitat Valenciana (FGV).

This organized a large special operation involving 78 professionals of the National Police, Local Police, Fire Alicante, medical services of the Department of Health and staff from FGV.

addition, a group of 16 extras, most of them volunteers from the University Miguel Hernández, rode the tram allegedly damaged, so they had to be evacuated with the help or even on a stretcher, by firefighters and medical personnel.

As a novelty, and adjusting the protocol for the experience of the simulation exercise at the station a couple of market years, documenting the extent of disease was wounded in the ground, on-scene by Samu staff that this time down the tunnel to determine the priority when evacuating the wounded.

It was necessary to increase the number of firefighters involved in the operation was that the toilets should be down to the basement, always accompanied by personnel of this body of rescue.

events unfold according to plan: after the crash occurred about 00.20 pm, the driver activated the Self-Protection Plan, giving notice the Command Post of the Navy station from where he called 112 and that set in motion the rescue operation.

Party Fire team entered the tunnel from Luceros release the material required, while, for Station Market, agreed other rescue units to use this exit to evacuate the wounded. Escalators and elevators were stuck as if it were a real course, so to bring the alleged injuries could not walk by themselves, firefighters had to walk up the stairs that save up to 25 meters depth which is dug the tunnel.

On the surface, the National Police cordoned off the area, cut traffic in the vicinity of Market and set up a field hospital at the beginning of Calle Alfonso X El Sabio to treat the most seriously injured. Three fire engines, three of the local police and four Samu vehicles were part of this operation which ended around 0200.

FGV thus complies with the Self-Protection Plan which provides for the regular drills and that their workers receive safety training. Now the different bodies and operators involved will meet to evaluating the results of this simulation and define what can be improved. Images and information

extraídad From

Monday, March 7, 2011

Alberta Gdl Driving License Switch To Ontario

safety course ULPGC tunnels. Fire in tunnel

The Universodad of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria organized within the extiensión Curriculum university, a course on Safety in Tunnels. The course will be held in the Board Room Engineering Deparatmente ULPGC Cicil of between 22 to March 24, 2011.

Next information about the course:


Home of registration: 02/01/2011

End of registration: 16/03/2011

Teaching dates: MARCH 22 TO 24 , 2011

Hours: 16:30 to 20:30 hours

Course Number: 12

Number of places offered: 40


OTHER: 80 €



engineers, engineering students and other professionals related facilities and fire protection systems in tunnels.


The course aims to bring together and further the issues related to systems, equipment, rules fire in tunnels.
Topics will include systems and equipment used in the management and control in tunnels. Also the different plans of operation, maintenance, internal emergency, implementation and monitoring.
will be given particular attention to automatic incident detection and fire detection. Will define the systematic control of some schools as well as activation own procedures and operating procedures. Contents



Tuesday March 22, 2011 - Presentation.
- Diagnostic Evaluation.
- The safety of our tunnels. Juan Rafael Rodriguez Vega

- Systems and equipment. General.
- Plans for operations, maintenance and internal emergency. Wifredo Garcia Vega

Wednesday March 23, 2010 - Automatic detection of incidents.
- Fire detection. Wifredo Garcia Vega

Thursday 25 March 2010 - Control Center. Systematics. Activation procedures.
- Procedures action. Wifredo Garcia Vega
- Assessment of skills acquired. Juan Rafael Rodriguez Vega

More information about the course:

https: / /

Friday, March 4, 2011

Do Stir Fry Have A Lot Of Calories?

Jornadas Feministas en Marzo