Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Should I Have Clear Mucus Right Before My Period?

11 Abril, Concentración en homenaje a Carlos

Monday April 11, 2011 at 20:00 pm

Summons: Committee Defense of the antifascist
Madrid Plaza de la Beata Maria Ana de Jesus. Metro Legazpi
Three years and five months. This is the time that has passed since Joshua Estébanez, a neo-Nazi and military professionals, will take the life of our friend Carlos in Metro Legazpi, when he went with other comrades to protest against a racist call not far in this neighborhood.
Three years and five months in which we no longer remember our friend Carlos. He has been with us in every one of the organized anti-fascist movement that has taken all this time. His memory drives us every day to not succumb to fascism or repression, his image has become an integral part, along with so many others, the vast heritage of the struggle against fascism and racism.
Three years and five months have passed since, facing down those who wanted to stop, thousands of anti-fascist march around Madrid and we did not stop until we reach our goal, to get to Metro Legazpi and place the plaque in honor of our partner. Demonstrate that unforgettable day when we are united hit an unstoppable force that can hardly be contained.
However, much remains to be done. Fighting Fascism does not stop for a moment. In the present circumstances of the structural crisis of the capitalist system, we can expect that Fascist organizations try to enter your xenophobic discourse in our neighborhoods and that institutional racism carried out against one of the most vulnerable sectors of society, migrant workers go increasing. Our responsibility as a fascist, is to stay alert and not allow fascism, however expressed, in a single step without a fight.
Concentration in homage to Carlos:
Monday April 11, 2011 at 20:00 pm Plaza de la Beata María Ana de Jesus. Metro Legazpi
will not


Defense Commission of the Madrid antifascist


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