Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pregnancy Week 9 Mucous

Simulation in the TRAM Metropolitano de Alicante.

spend 20 minutes midnight when Command Post of the TRAM of The Navy says the phone 112 that has been a serious collision of two trains between stations Luceros and Market. The announcement sets up a complex system of emergency response to rescue the wounded as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, this time, the situation is not real, but a simulation exercise on Monday night by the TRAM Metropolitano de Alicante to verify the effectiveness of coordination of resources for a possible emergency situation and make Self-Test Plan of the Railways of the Generalitat Valenciana (FGV).

This organized a large special operation involving 78 professionals of the National Police, Local Police, Fire Alicante, medical services of the Department of Health and staff from FGV.

addition, a group of 16 extras, most of them volunteers from the University Miguel Hernández, rode the tram allegedly damaged, so they had to be evacuated with the help or even on a stretcher, by firefighters and medical personnel.

As a novelty, and adjusting the protocol for the experience of the simulation exercise at the station a couple of market years, documenting the extent of disease was wounded in the ground, on-scene by Samu staff that this time down the tunnel to determine the priority when evacuating the wounded.

It was necessary to increase the number of firefighters involved in the operation was that the toilets should be down to the basement, always accompanied by personnel of this body of rescue.

events unfold according to plan: after the crash occurred about 00.20 pm, the driver activated the Self-Protection Plan, giving notice the Command Post of the Navy station from where he called 112 and that set in motion the rescue operation.

Party Fire team entered the tunnel from Luceros release the material required, while, for Station Market, agreed other rescue units to use this exit to evacuate the wounded. Escalators and elevators were stuck as if it were a real course, so to bring the alleged injuries could not walk by themselves, firefighters had to walk up the stairs that save up to 25 meters depth which is dug the tunnel.

On the surface, the National Police cordoned off the area, cut traffic in the vicinity of Market and set up a field hospital at the beginning of Calle Alfonso X El Sabio to treat the most seriously injured. Three fire engines, three of the local police and four Samu vehicles were part of this operation which ended around 0200.

FGV thus complies with the Self-Protection Plan which provides for the regular drills and that their workers receive safety training. Now the different bodies and operators involved will meet to evaluating the results of this simulation and define what can be improved. Images and information

extraídad From


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