Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fake Drivers Licence Templates

(Almuñecar) demonstrates safety in a drill. Vehicle

Information and images taken from:

accident had 15 wounded and a vehicle with dangerous goods.

Cantalobos The tunnel, located in the A-7 passing through Almuñécar, showed yesterday why he is considered one of the safest in Spain. For this was a mock accident that involved several vehicles, one loaded with dangerous goods, and in which fifteen people were injured in a different account.

Operators Control Center of the Horseshoe Tunnel looked through the event cameras and a few seconds later gave notice to the Emergency Coordination Center, at 112, and 061 firefighters who acted quickly and within minutes the motorway and was cut between Almuñécar and La Herrdura.

The massive presence of agents of the Guardia Civil Traffic reminded access to drivers, who were led astray by the old N340, that something big was happening, especially when Motril and Almuñécar fire also reached the area. It was only a drill and all went well, fortunately.


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