Thursday, March 17, 2011

Breats Size Country Map

Barajas no es Madrid, ¡Barajas es Castilla!

At a special meeting of the Plenary Hall of the day Barajas March 18, 1950, among the issues discussed by the city, he noticed a brief letter from the Municipality Madrid, which set the fateful day 31, at 5 pm to celebrate the event which would take over the municipal government of our people WITH MANY ASSETS, RIGHTS AND SERVICES YOU BELONG.

It was a processed form antisoberano regime identical to that happened in other towns close to Madrid.

With this procedure, without protest or lament with this tremendous irregularity is completely destroyed all symbols of the old town hall and with it all identity as an independent people that we deserve, stealing social rights our rural lifestyle and the power of decision to which we are entitled.

Fight for what is ours
Barajeños schiphol to vegan!
For a united and spirited

Barajas Castilla


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