Friday, March 18, 2011

Men Fashion Style Nigeria

intervention AVE tunnels between Figueres and Perpignan.

TP Concessionary Ferro, SA is the company who was awarded the construction and subsequent operation and maintenance of the stretch of high-speed train between Figueres and Perpignan, which is Perthus tunnel of 8.3 kilometers in length. The award, which was made in 2004, and stated that society should also work with emergency services on both sides of the border in the event of a loss, by providing firefighters a couple of special vehicles such interventions. The second vehicle will operate on French territory. Both are owned by TP Ferro Concessionaire, SA.

Vehicle is bimodal, ie that can be moved by road and by rail through a special device. This mechanism is to raise the truck with arms at a height that allows you to hold onto his second set of wheels, the train. The same system makes the operation itself is made up of the roads and when it is fully completed, the vehicle is completely on track and ready to work.

Firefighters of Catalonia, as established in the agreement that will be responsible for managing the maintenance of the new vehicle, collaborated with the concessionaire in the technical definition of the vehicle, the functions to be performed and their needs. They also monitor their manufacturing process, tests were made and now attend training organized TP Ferro Concesionaria SA., And to be followed by members of the parks of La Jonquera, Figueres, Roses and Llançà.

The vehicle is based at the fire station in Figueres, though, when circumstances so require, may be shifted to the South Boca Perthus tunnel. This is a double cab truck, with seating for six occupants, with three closets and a rear side for the material firefighters. There is also a water tank with a capacity of 2,500 liters plus a reserve of 500 liters. In the tank is incorporated into the foam compartment with a capacity of 500 liters.

Similarly, the vehicle has a monitor on the roof, from which water can be released. The monitor is controlled from inside the cabin. We have also installed two devices obstacle detection radar near the track, which works with an acoustic warning system, a content ready to perform the evacuation of at least two people who may have been injured in an emergency. The vehicle also incorporates a cabin pressurization, which guarantees the safety of firefighters in an atmosphere of smoke.


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