Friday, April 29, 2011

Best Boxing Gym In Toronto


Legazpi Square at 11:30 am to Plaza Museo Reina Sofía

The May 1st we celebrate an international day of struggle of the working class. As in many things, the various governments and trade unions aimed at reducing system that day to witness a day, a holiday more.
If for us / I on 1 May was always a day of fighting, there are more reasons than ever to make the day a day of protest and struggle of the / these workers is in the world. Just two months ago
Government, employers and trade unions signed system delay retirement age to 67 years, imposed a historic setback a fundamental right such as pensions reform took for good job easy and cheap dismissal and sealed all in a to dismantle Social Pact the immediate prospect of a new general strike.
As we reported at the time, the Covenant is an attempt to tie the hands of the / these workers / s while the Government continues to impose measures bankers social war. While the unemployment rate stands at about five million workers is continuing closures (264 each day) and layoffs.
Rising prices shoot the cost of living and wages are thus losing their purchasing power. In sectors such as public employees and the reduction exceeds the 50% loss of purchasing power in the last two decades. Both
Labour reform, such as increasing the retirement age and contribution period have a greater impact if the already precarious working conditions of women. Also remain highly feminized sectors (education, health, care, etc) where these sectors, starting more precarious, especially affected by privatization. The cut in social sector investments will fall in a special way on the backs of women who lose the little support they received, for example in the care of sons and daughters.
The reform of collective bargaining in which toil government, CEOE-UGT and CCOO aims to give companies more power to "relaxed" working conditions; fall from wage increases; imposing binding decisions, as in the Franco era, when there is no agreement, and are settled in fact the provincial agreements. Thus attempt to impose agreements not only poverty but to grant a monopoly bargaining CCOO and UGT, ending all trade union opposition, denying representation to the vast majority of the / these workers / es and all the unions that oppose this policy of systematic delivery of rights.
While still impose the policy of general impoverishment of the working class, millions continue to aid the banks, now in the form of support for the privatization of the Savings . No repair to accelerate the privatization of public services like post offices, health or education, for business groups to make basic needs a delicious source of business. Therefore, in crisis, only companies listed on the IBEX-35 have pocketed in 2010 more than 50,000 million euros of profit (51636.99), beating the record high attained in 2007 and surpassing the 23.14 % of 2009 profits.
output for social workers and the crisis
The more we tighten the screws on the working class more insist on saying that "there is another solution to the crisis." Each presented as they adopt on behalf of interest general, and thus generate a climate of opinion for the / o workers is to resign themselves to the inevitability of such measures. The so-called general interest is nothing but a scam for the benefit of private interests. should actually say "there is another solution to the crisis if it wants to continue the business of a handful of capitalists, bankers and multinationals."
But since the interest of the / these workers is in the vast majority of people, yes there is another solution to the crisis, a solution that requires action resolutely anti-capitalist. Therefore
• The Nationalization of the Banking and sectors strategic economic (Health, Education, Transport, Energy and Communication).
· For permanent employment ONE OR MORE DISCHARGE. 35-hour working day with all the employment and wages, retirement at age 60 with replacement contract. No more EREs authorization. Unemployment benefits indefinitely to all the people standing up to its relocation, and matching the lowest pensions to minimum wage.
· By promoting a fair distribution of work, paid or not, between women and men.
• Prohibition by law of privatization of public services, offshoring and outsourcing companies. Prohibition of evictions and remit the payment of the mortgage on the first home to the unemployed.
· For the creation of public employment, should be reversed in public services and privatization. You have to cover all places of public administration. More jobs in social services (kindergartens, care for dependents, etc.) and environmental protection and combating climate change.
· For a profound agrarian reform based on expropriation without compensation to the landlords, fostering agricultural cooperation, enhancing the infrastructure and industrializing agricultural areas.
· For the removal of subsidies State to the Royal Family and the Church.
· Reform tax, to keep a really progressive tax system to pay more have the most! Prosecution of fraud.
· The social and environmental needs are beyond the business of finance. Stop speculation on public property! ! Not to pay the public debt at the expense of the working class!
A May 1st in solidarity with the / o workers is the world
Come with us / you to the May 1

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Daughter Didnt Invite Me To Wedding

The importance of first responders in Tunnels.

Inside Self-Protection Plan for tunnels, first responders should be seen as necessary to ensure the arrival of a first resort to emergency within 10 minutes into the fire inside a tunnel.

This type of first responders is considered essential in very long tunnels, from the 3,000 m, with a significant IMD, and where the response isochrones external emergency services, over 10 minutes.

management model of these first responders can be public or private, can be formed by professional firefighters' s own tunnel operator, assigned to other duties, usually for maintenance. Although the trend at European level is to professionalize these teams when not part of the Emergency Public Services.

In any case, European experiences show that these first responders have to have specific training and equipment, as well as recurrent training in attention and resolve incidents and emergencies within the tunnels.

Overall, it is considered that a team of First Responders with a staff of three well-trained troops and preparations are adequate funding for first responders to a 30 MW fire within a tunnel.

present in Spain, several tunnels have so effective with this type of first responders. Some very exemplary cases are:
- Emergency Service Tunnel Somport Hispano-French.
- Permanent Team Emergency Guadarrama Tunnels (AP-6, Iberpistas).
- First Intervention Team Madrid Calle 30.
- my first of Intervention Team Executive Airport Tunnel (M-12, OHL).
- First Team Intevrención of AP-1 (BIDEGI).

Monday, April 25, 2011

Birthday Slogansin Kannada

Hackintosh Machine

After testing with the latest version of Ubuntu , as already mentioned long time, I wanted to try Mac .. My previous attempts hackintosh had failed, both on virtual machines on physical machines as ...

few weeks ago, after a calçotada with the family, I was able to tweak just a couple of minutes with the MacBook Pro from my niece's boyfriend ... Of course, in such a short time you can not prove much of anything ...

Anyway, back to bite me the bug ... And as Google's free search, this time I came looking specifically for mount a virtual hackintosh.

After finding more or less the same links and the usual methods, I found an alternative of Mac OS X that had not proved ...

Interestingly, the installation on the Virtual Box was fine. After restarting, I had a Mac that worked perfectly!

The installation of the English did, but then selected the English language for the keyboard layout ... I guess that is why the extra keys, ie they are not 'letras'-were a little busy. But I solved later with the ISO settings on the keyboard ...

From there, the next step was to get familiar with the environment. The truth is that it was much easier than I expected, after so many videos and demos on the Internet, the truth is that everything I seemed quite familiar.

Chrome installed the trial version of TextMate and I practiced Python classes following the Google ... I was surfing the web and using web applications I'm used to using.

Even within the virtual machine, the system is quite usable. Both the installation, uninstallation and configuration of applications or system configurations natural ... I was tremendously It is fair to say that had previous experience with Mac systems, and that things like remove a disk image or eject a CD by dragging it to the trash are things that do knew, and I did not "infer."

Search applications in the Applications folder , add or eliminate the Dock ... Even specify the default application to open files that . Py of Google's Python classes. All much easier and simpler than with Unity, for example ... And that I've spent much time with Ubuntu than with macs ...

Today I released to try something I did not know if it would work: system updates. I found them a bit by chance, since opening iTunes, I launched the "software update" and I was about to cancel (total, iTunes has not added anything interesting, but only more and more bloat that English say).

However, I've seen that would 1.13Gb download, so could not be only iTunes ...

So I let down the updates while doing other things ... When has finished downloading, has asked me to restart.

Restarting virtual machine for some reason has not worked ... So I turned off the machine the hard way and re-starting, has been installing the updates.

After the process has returned to restart the system. This time it worked ... Only it has not been as expected.

Amid all this nonsense, there is a panic message, which is not good ...

So in the end, I have been using this canned hackintosh for a week or so. The feeling was very good. Everything works as it should. Once I have a little bit, back to mount the virtual machine, although this may not update it;)

This altered version of Mac OS X , to give problems with the system update, not a good candidate for a possible installation on the physical machine ... However, the availability of a machine with Mac OS X is one of the requirements other installation methods for hackintosh a viable, including updates ... So maybe encourage me to try this route so far had failed to explore ...

As always, I will explain how is this experience ...

Stillmans Freckle How To Use

Torneo de futbol chapa comunero en Madrid

In order to recover the popular games and have a good while realizing that they should not be linked only to the smallest it has created the first commoner tournament sheets.
Any person who wishes to participate in this game can do so with only two requirements. First pay a fee of 2 euros a day of the tournament. Second build for himself a whole or equipment which must be imitation (with real clothes and real names) of the template of a current club who played in the top three divisions in the state.
To register would have to send an email with your name and the name of the target host (must be attentive to the answer because if caught you will respond to e asignándote other default shall manufacture) @
Prizes to the winner and one whose plates are most original tenor of the jury of experts.
Rules: Each player will have 8 players (including the goalkeeper) can make 3 changes per game. Have two moves per turn, booked for a foul any contact with an opponent before contact with the ball. If the same player commits 3 fouls will be warned if you make 5 expelled. If the ball just inside the plate is hand. Matches will
two periods of 15 minutes and 5 off, to ensure the proper functioning of the game and will have the invaluable assistance of Messrs. pleasantly collegial Iturralde González, Undiano Mallenco y el no menos ilustre Fermín el del banderín.
Las inscripciones al torneo se cerraran el próximo 26 de Abril. Todos los partidos se jugarán el sábado 30 de Abril a partir de las 19:30.
Lugar: Asociación Cultural Castilla Comunera.
C/ Picos de Europa, 45. Madrid.
Metro: Portazgo.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How Do I Delete Facebook E Mail

CADER - Training for emergencies in tunnels. Supersur simulates

hip is essentially a company formed by managers and fire officials with a long history and great experience in firefighting tunnels.

CADER, through an agreement with TST (Tunnel Safety Testing, Inc.), conducts advanced training courses in TST operates facilities in San Pedro de Anes (Asturias). With over twenty courses, CADER has experience and professionals to provide programs of 3, 4 and 5 days theoretical and practical standard or tailored to the needs of students. We can also move to the customer environment to adjust the training to specific tunnels, and develop pre-plans.

For further information contact or directory .

For more information about their training programs you can visit the website:

Saturday, April 16, 2011

What Does Canine Oral Cancer Look Like

virtual Optimizer. NET Windows that monopolizes the CPU

spend much time in the library. In general, libraries are quiet and tranquil places where you can concentrate on do what you gotta do without anything or anyone distract you.

With the advent of computers to libraries, is common to hear the little sounds of Windows that run at startup or shutdown the computer. Although more than one occasion I've wondered if people do not know how to use the volume control button to start mute the speaker system, the noise that bothers me, by far, the computer is producing the noise fan.

ironies of life that bothers me is that my computer . Some time ago, I even raised relegate the laptop home, a noisy environment (in general) and use the library for an old laptop but quieter.

Case is that one day I do not know exactly why, ceased to be noisy fan running all the time at maximum power. It is true that I changed the BIOS settings (specifically, for the fan to stop working all the time) and even installed a program to control the temperature and speed ... Nothing worked ... Until one day, without more, the laptop fan stopped making noise.

Now, from time to time, the fan starts at full speed , but normally only when the processor is loaded (and I'm doing a task that fucks the processor) is ie, the fan turns at maximum because the processor needs it.

However, today, again in the library, the fan is activated, for no apparent reason, and has run at full speed .

After analyzing the memory consumption of different applications, I thought that the problem would Chrome ... But I've gone off an application after another, and the fan was butt. I thought that maybe there was something in the background doing their own, so I decided to reboot to kill the root of the problem.

you begin the restart process, I have seen what was the source of high CPU consumption and therefore the fan speed: Windows Update (which has been made to install an update).

When the laptop is started again, not only the fan has not returned to its normal resting state, but has encouraged further. That was when, searching processes "without finding anything, I open the Resource Monitor .

There has been a program, he alone consumed 49% of the CPU: mscorsvw.exe . After of several times to kill the process and see how it reappeared, I saw that whatever was tied to a service. I searched Google and it turns out the culprit, again, is Microsoft, the mscorsvw.exe Optimizer is a of. Net

Apparently. NET has to be precompiled in order to function properly, so after you install an update, released this optimizer. The thing is, as indicated on this page of MSDN, the process runs with low priority precisely not to consume the resources of the machine.

However, something should not work as it should if the post is entitled, precisely, mscorsvw.exe What and why is monopolizing my CPU? (translation) . Or perhaps is that, since then (the article is from 2005), Microsoft has changed its policy and now it runs on low priority ...

My complaint, as always, has to do with the code to be compiled. NET, sincerely, that I do not care. What annoys me, as usual, is that not report me, I can not ask or not ask me permission to do so, especially when it impacts on the performance of my job. So complicated would be to launch a dialog box that says: " The system must perform optimization tasks 2354325 package. NET. This may take several minutes. " Next, launch a window with a progress bar-which should make real progress for a change, with a button "Cancel ." If the task is canceled, you may ask again after a while (in the style of Windows updates). Perhaps with a little more work, the system itself could take the optimization when it detects that the system is doing nothing (instead of launching the screensaver, for example) ...

The article also says other things, that 64-bit systems, the two optimizers (the 32 and 64 bit) try not to run concurrently, which in my case, this has not happened .. .

In any case, since Microsoft not offer a more elegant way to do it, I had to stop optimization services to sack:
  • Right click on My Computer , Manage . In
  • Services and Applications, select Services . Seeking
  • between services until you find 4 servings optimization! (two of whom were executed) and stop:
    • Microsoft. NET Framework NGEN
    • v2.0.50727_X64 Microsoft. NET Framework NGEN
    • v2.0.50727_X86
    • Microsoft. NET Framework NGEN Microsoft v4.0.30319_X64
    • . NET Framework NGEN
    • v4.0.30319_X86
Currently, the laptop fan speed has dropped and I could go on, "so to speak, with my work. In total, including the time of writing this post, I lost almost an hour of time.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Brownie Recipes Using A Boxed Mix

Dropbox Stickies and do not get along

few days ago, commented at the end of the post on Launchy and application shortcuts in Chrome was trying decide between and Stickies . Then after a few days of use, I have to find an alternative to offline notes as Stickies does not get along with synchronization via Dropbox. The problem is that Stickies notes stored in a database type Access (mdb ), which creates a lock file ( store.ldb ) to avoid having multiple simultaneous accesses to the database.
The problem is that while Stickies is open (which is always as is launched at boot time), the file store.ldb (and therefore the database store.mdb , where are the notes) is locked and no Dropbox can sync.

In practice, this means that the notes that are created on a computer do not appear on the other computer, unless you turn off Stickies , let Dropbox upload it to the cloud, and the other computer, repeat the process for Dropbox can update the file from the cloud ... In short, impossible.

So I have to find another alternative to Stickies .

In theory it should not be difficult because there are plenty of programs virtual post-it. In practice, most are simple enough that I serve. Among the desirable characteristics a program of this kind would:
  • The notes are not deleted when you close them, ie there is a closed management of notes, notes in a store, a "Bin recycling "for notes or something similar. Stickies can handle not only closed notes, but also other categories such as sleeping notes, activities, recurring, etc ... Backup
  • newspaper notes. This is a point related to the above, one interesting feature is that the program back up automatically from the notes. Thus, if you delete a note but later need to back the information contained in the note should have a chance recuperarlaa from the backup.
  • Hide notes: The good thing about notes is that store information about temporary remember later. But that itself means that the notes should be able to "hide" until needed (and which are not on the Desktop all the time).
  • Alarm: Sometimes the only purpose of a note to remember is that you have to do something later ... So it is important that the power to make the reminder.
Of course, in addition to the above, it is essential that can be synchronized via Dropbox. To do this, it should be possible to choose the location of the notes (and that the program does not block access to the notes)

The program need not be multiplatform, and open source, but it is important that is free (freeware ) and without ads, or constant message of "Upgrade" or "is changed to the pro version (no shareware programs, unless they are user friendly ocn ...)

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How To Make Your Hair Like Davie

The first claim (Vizcaya). Huesca

direction of Emergency coordinate a collision today artificial distinction between several vehicles in a tunnel. Interbiak monitor the galleries of the highway.

This afternoon, the sirens of police cars, the cortachapas of firefighters and ambulance stretchers come for the first time on stage in South Metropolitan Alternative. The e-Care Emergency Basque Government, in collaboration with Interbiak, the company responsible for statutory construction and management of the highway known as Supersur, organized for today a mock traffic accident inside one of the 14 galleries that cover the 50% of the path between Trapagaran and Bilbao.

are involved in the actual device Ertzaintza Fire Bilbao Bizkaia, Osakide-tza, Red Cross management specialists Emergency Care and Interbiak, from whose central control station will record the whole operation. The process is not open to nothing more than bodies operating in Emergency such accidents and that after analyzing the fault simulation to solve them ahead of the opening of the highway next June.

This is the last coordinated intervention, in terms of road safety is concerned, to be carried out on the highway after the training for fire inside the tunnels, mock accidents real fire and familiarization visits Supersur in recent months have been carried out by both fire dependent Provincial Council of Bizkaia and which are the responsibility of the City of Bilbao. The simulation of the incident road is the first carried out in a road tunnel Biscay since 2006, according to provincial sources have indicated. That does not mean that safety is not monitored within the miles covered that cover the geography of Bizkaia. Javier

Cobeaga, responsible statutory Inspection Agency Tunnels Bizkaia, explains that "in fact has not organized a global simulation style that makes the Bilbao metro, but that does not mean that all devices are not prepared. " Ensures that in the absence of media simulations, "actions are performed continuously to ensure that the procedures work and that technical work properly in the event of an incident. Thus, it meets the spirit of the rule to be prepared. "

Congratulations Japanese Wedding

hosts a course of international cooperation in fire management in tunnels. The tunnel Cantalobos

Huesca province has 39 kilometers of underground channels that will be increased on completion of ten works started. This course, in which 41 experts participated in the State Emergency Services, aims to raise awareness of emergency protocols and security methods.

The central government representatives in Huesca hosted for the 4th, 5th and 6th of April, a course 'International Cooperation in Fire Management in Road Tunnels' , which enrolled a total of 41 specialists various State Emergency Services to meet emergency protocols and security methods that are used to avoid disasters in tunnels. Huesca province has 39 kilometers of tunnels.

The course has been framed in the training program of the National School of Civil Protection and is classified as level II. Students from the Autonomous Communities of Andalusia, Aragon, Asturias, Canarias, Cantabria, Catalonia, Madrid, Murcia, Basque Country, La Rioja and Valencia, in addition to operating personnel and fire services in the province of Huesca.

during the conference insisted that the tunnels, by their nature, are points where the authorities must take special care to safety from the beginning.

The galleries evacuation, the number of niches or operating manuals or drills are basic questions to ensure good ventilation and that the security response to problems that could arise is immediate.

These terms are referred to by the chairman of Road Tunnels Technical Association of Roads, Rafael López Guarda, who has moved to "there are a number of problems in the tunnels as the ventilation, lighting and signage that makes the approach to security must be made since the inception of project work ".

is, as mentioned, an issue "important" in the province of Huesca, where there are 39 kilometers of tunnels owned by the State and other government , who is going to add another 10 kilometers of tunnels are being built, such as Pedralba. It has also highlighted the Somport tunnel, with 8.3 km is the longest in Spain.

Lopez has pointed out that "it will be very important Pedralba tunnel, 2.8 km, bidirectional, as well everything is going to take from a single control center that is being done in Monrepós, from which you will control, maintain, operate and manage the security of the tunnels of all the A-23. "

The aim of this course is to introduce the fundamental principles for the control of emergencies by fire in road tunnels , know the different security facilities that have these facilities, show the current status of procedures intervention against fire and encourage discussion among professionals for the standardization of procedures for intervention against fires in tunnels. Full

During the afternoon the first day of the course will have visited one of the tunnels Monrepós, in advanced stages of implementation, where students were able to observe in situ many of the issues raised in the theoretical time .

The second day of the course was devoted entirely to emergency intervention . Earlier, the Chief Fire and Civil Protection of the region of Alto Gallego, Oscar Aguarta Nasarre, interventions discussed in tunnels unequipped. Then the Chief of the Division of Fire Operations of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Roberto Gomez Valbuena, developed a presentation on the interventions in tunnels equipped.

After a brief rest, held a panel discussion moderated by Oscar Aguarta Nasarre, which was attended by the representative of the Generalitat of Catalonia, who explained the system of emergency management in tunnels in Catalonia, the Deputy of the chief Fire Group south of the Pyrenees-Atlantiques, Antoine Ruiz, who presented the French organization , and the Director of Prevention and Fire Fighting and Rescue Services of the Government of Navarra, Javier Vergara Falco, who recounted the experience Navarra and operation of the Special Plan for emergencies in tunnels.

the afternoon, they visited the tunnel Somport to learn the system of emergency management in an international tunnel, facilities and safety measures and the operation of their own intervention team that exists in the tunnel.

Finally, the morning of Thursday, April 7, performed live-fire practice in the tunnel of La Manzanera , assigned to that activity by the Roads Unit of the Ministry of Development. Practices were directed and supervised by members of the Fire Service County High Gallego and Emergency Service Sompot Tunnel.

The overall coordination of the course was conducted by the Civil Protection Unit of the Prefectures. Huesca

collaborates with the National Civil Protection

The central government representatives in Huesca collaborates regularly since 2001 with the National Civil Protection in organizing courses on emergencies in tunnels. With this, there are now eight courses have been conducted in Huesca from that date on the issue of emergency in tunnels.

tunnels infrastructure roads are safer, more secure than open-air sections, as shown by the statistics of accidents.

However, when an accident occurs within, often have important consequences and media coverage that favored by the general public a wrong perception of risk, greater than a secondary road. Therefore requires a specific treatment.

The activities of the services involved in the resolution of the emergency can not be done without close cooperation and collaboration between different services and the various authorities concerned, ultimately, through coordinated action.

In this area of \u200b\u200bsafety in tunnels, in late 2009 initiated a program drills in the tunnels of road network in the province state, which exercises have been conducted in the tunnels of San Simon (A-2), Golf (N-260), Olvena (N-123), COTEFABLO (N-260) and Monrepós (N-330) in a joint action undertaken with the Roads Unit of the Ministry of Development, with fire services in the province, Ci Fel Guard, Government of Aragon (Civil Protection and 061) and the Red Cross.

also once a year a mock international Somport tunnel in which they are involved all levels of government and emergency services English and French as well as internal quarterly exercises without mobilization of external resources.

Information extracted from:

Lab 8 Population Genetics And Evolution Problems

Barajas se prepara`para el Villalar

Aquí os dejamos unas fotos de interés, en ellas se ve claramente, como lxs vecinxs de nuestro pueblo se están preparando un año más para el día de Villalar.

Buses from Madrid:

Friday April 22 at 12:00 - Atocha station - arrived at 14:45 to the hood of Villalar

Sunday April 24 at 12:00 - In the campaign of Villalar - arrival at 14:45 at the Atocha station

25 euros return or ....
28 euros return + ticket for the concert on 22

By mail to mail

PP.CC From:
Bus commoner:

Release: April 22 at 8:00 at the Plaza Joan Peiró, Sants Station (Barcelona) stopping at the Plaza Imperial Tarraco (Tarragona) at 9:15
Return: Sunday April 24 in the afternoon with the same stops

Price roundtrip from Barcelona 36 Euros
round Price 31 Euros back from Tarragona
Reservations: busvillalar2011.ppcc @ ,

See you at Villalar! Barajas

Sunday, April 10, 2011

What Are Arecapilaries

Formula 1: Live Timing and more in

Through this article on Engadget , knew the possibility of obtaining additional information on the Formula 1 Grand Prix. This morning I logged in to access web the official time table .

Through a Java applet can have on screen time, in real time, sector by sector pilots and other career related information.

At the top are several tabs providing information to help mode on all the data shown in colorful display. Furthermore, in the right side panel, the system displays information about what is happening on the track.

On the left side of the window are three tabs vertical we can select other "display screen."

In the second, we have information on conditions and weather forecasts, which in a circuit like today is important (although today, against all expectations, it has not rained).
In this screen, including the time, measures have maximum speeds for different drivers ...

Finally, the third tab, we have the evolution in terms of gain or loss of positions of each driver.
However, my first experience with implementation has been somewhat bittersweet: on the one hand, the timing information, sector by sector, turn by turn, provides a very clear idea of \u200b\u200bhow it evolves the race. It also allows to be aware of what is happening with less media drivers who often lack too share screen ... However, information overload is having to be very aware of what goes on the computer screen ... So you're missing much of the action television. In addition, commentators provide interesting information regarding, for example, time differences between certain drivers and the total time pit-stop, which, as a mere amateur, I do not usually have too much in mind. The information sector to sector can see if a driver is hunting the leading front, if the difference is large or not, if something happened has not been seen on screen and is doing a pilot waste time. .. It is also interesting to know the time difference between the drivers, since it is one of the factors to consider when to get a driver to pit and have some foresight on what position back on track ...

Although all this information is there in the times tables, it is difficult for an untrained eye the handle with the agility necessary for it to be useful during the race.

However, an interesting experience I encourage you to try, if you like Formula 1.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

How To A Scorpio Man Likes You

Exploded LG RHT 397H

This is appearance of the pieces that made up my LG DVDR 397H.

45 days after the expiration of the warranty left boot. After trying unsuccessfully twice, the customer service from LG I propose a solution, besides suggest that perhaps it was broken, I took it to qualified service personnel. There I said it would cost me 202.5eur repair (a new computer costs less that)

So I amused cut before taking him to the point of recycling ...

Indeed, in the end bought a Samsung, for 189euro.

Wedding Invitations Noon

home Tricks: pan fish and how to maintain 'safe' the phone in the kitchen

Today, unlike other times, I share a couple of tips related to home cooking.

The first, a way to distinguish the pans. At home we have a dedicated pan fish. To avoid cooking meat in it (and to identify it quickly through the rest), we a wire tying those with closing the bags of bread. It is a simple, practical and washable.

There is a picture of the pan in question (right after washing):
The other trick is related with the fact that I spend the time spent washing dishes with headphones, listening to music. The problem is that in more than one occasion, I hear when I call on the phone.

To resolve the issue, put the phone in one of the handles to open the locker. Thus, if someone calls me, I see as the screen lights up and I can answer without problems (by activating the speakerphone, because they often have wet hands and / or full of soap).
To avoid accidents, as the phone falls into the sink full of water, tie the phone to the door handle ... So, if I try put the hands free, without thinking or open the closet door gravity causes of theirs ...
... there are greater evils than sorry;)

When Does Head Lice Show Up

Ninite: installing and upgrading your software from anywhere in

The other day talking about Launchy and how I have it from the press Alt + Space has become an automatic gesture when launching applications. Today I want to Ninite , which was what first made Launchy on my system.

The idea behind Ninite is most simple: install applications suckling pig is a real, especially after you reinstall a team. After you install a Windows operating system, the system is pretty bare : we have an outdated browser (Internet Explorer), a decompressor built into the system only works with zips and Windows Media Player (or the new Windows Media Center) to hear music or watch videos ... However, these applications are not preferred by many people ... And that's without taking into account that we do not have many other things that we need, as a PDF file reader or a desktop application.

So after reinstalling, even after updating the system, we have the difficult task of installing a browser decente (Chrome o Firefox), iTunes, VLC, Skype y un largo etcétera.

Ahí es donde entra Ninite ; como la mayoría de esas aplicaciones son gratuitas (como el antivirus AVG o iTunes) o de código libre, Ninite crea un instalador que, de forma automática, descarga la última versión y la instala de forma desatendida!!

En la página de Ninite tienes un carta de aplicaciones , por llamarlo de algún modo, con una amplia y variada selección de aplicaciones gratuitas y/o de código abierto. Están agrupadas por categorías, así which, while not know any, you can get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat each one: it shows the icon, the program's name and a brief description of its operation.

To simplify a bit, say you only want to create a suite of basic applications: an antivirus (free) and AVG, 7-Zip as a compressor / decompressor, Foxit PDF Reader (an alternative to heavy Adobe Reader) Dropbox. Check the boxes next to each of these applications and pressing the large green button at the bottom of the website.

will download a small program with a long name (containing the names of all selected programs). When run, it will display a progress bar will indicate, first, that is downloading one of the selected applications. When the download is complete, it automatically launches the installation in unattended mode (no need to press Next, Next every few minutes ...) While you are installing the first application of the package, the following application of the list and is being downloaded, which speeds-much-installing many software packages selected. If you click on 'Show details', you will see what applications are downloaded / installed at all times.

Ninite applications installed with default options, but without installing additional bars or other Guarrera some programs intended to sneak by default. If you have a 64-bit operating system, you Ninite install 64-bit version of the selected applications (if available)

But as they said in a cartoon: not go yet, there is still more! And is that Ninite not only install the applications you say, but also handles update! Running the installer again Ninite, the little program connects to manufacturers' web sites for each program, check whether the available version is newer than the one we have installed, and if so, download and install.

In this way, if you get used to execute Ninite from time to time, we ensure that applications will always last!

Another typical use of Ninite is to help the typical friend or family member asks you to install applications. Thanks to Ninite , you can select all the applications you need and then send the link to the installer, so that he / she only has to run.

see, Ninite is another of those applications simple concept but in my case, have become essential. Unlike Launchy or Dropbox is not an application you use consistently. However, when you have to spend hours installing a computer from scratch, knowing that ultimately, the applications will be installed alone and without having to be at the computer downloading and clicking next-next is a great relief. As I mentioned in more than one occasion, more and more value my time above all other things. And among those things you'd rather not waste my time, are the installation and acualización application.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

[penthouse Letttrs Back Issues

Launchy and application shortcuts in Chrome

Since installing new software on the laptop using Ninite , one of the things I decided to try (in addition to Digsby ordeal) was Launchy.

Launchy is an application launcher, or so more or less what you put into your web . Launchy indexes the folders that you specify, including all files or only those that you specify. Then stays in the background until you throw it through the shortcut Alt + Space (default). At that time, appears a search box , to call it somehow, Launchy.
You write in the search box whatever you want (may be the name of a program, a document, a folder ...) and Launchy it searches its index. If multiple entries match, shows you a list so you can choose what you want. When there is a match, as in the case of the previous image icon appears in this case, the application. Bracelets enter, and application / document / folder opens. And all without having to take your fingers off the keyboard!.

not remember where I read that a couple of days after installation, it becomes a must ... And it's true! The gesture of reaching the mouse and look in the Start Menu application is something that simply no longer do.

As more and more live inside the browser, the web pages to launch independently, as if they were applications, has increasingly become a necessity. At first the option used was the pinned tabs. But I'm not convinced, as some web applications use them in a timely manner (and having to resort to mouse to launch them from a favorite seemed not ideal).

arrived This is where application shortcuts Chrome: basically, make a web application in a "desktop web application." That is, creating a shortcut on the desktop, in the Programs menu and / or Superbar (Win7) as a desktop application in question. The truth is that there is nothing "revolutionary", since the only thing that creates Chrome is a link to chrome.exe followed by the URL of the web that we want to open. The same can be done in both Firefox and Internet Explorer. Chrome, it is true, open the URL without displaying the address bar without showing buttons ( home, back, "wrench" ...). We also can not open new tabs (links open a full version of Chrome ...) But at the end of the day, no longer a new browser instance.

Perhaps what has made Chrome use these shortcuts application as usual is on the one hand, the facility to create ... And second, the synergy with Launchy .

To create an application shortcut in Chrome, you can follow the instructions for page support of Chrome:
  1. Click the "wrench" (the spanner)
  2. Tools> Create application shortcut ...
  3. Select where you want to create the links.
see, is not complicated.

regard to synergy with Launchy , I've managed to create a folder called webapps where I have the links created by Chrome. I added this folder to Launchy catalog and so when I launch a web application, all I have to do is invoke Launchy , write the first letters of the websites and press enter .

In many cases, only use a particular Web application in a timely manner, so that will open in a separate window is all an added bonus: use the application / web service and close it. In other cases, such as mail or Toggle, open the application and leave it minimized unobtrusively, making his work in the background.

Then I leave a list of web applications that I have indexed by Launchy:
  • GMail (I have also pinned a shortcut Superbar in Windows 7): Customer of mail. With including notifications, is like having Outlook, but Outlook problems.
  • : an online store style Dropbox, but without the ability to sync with local files (available in the paid version.) Began offering 1Gb, if I remember correctly, but with the advent of Dropbox have increased the capacity of free accounts to 5GB. Normally, I open the application, upload a file through the web interface and then close it. You can take a look at the files I have in my public folder . Toggle
  • : An application to bring track of time I spend on different tasks. Although I started using it for research topics, I have unearthed my digital memory lane to control the time devoted to studying the different subjects of the career.
  • : The latest acquisition in terms of web applications (still testing). Although targeted at keeping track of the progress of the project using the Scrum methodology , I'm trying as a form of post-it online accessible from any of the computers that work. I'm riding between this option and the purely web purely desktop with stickies synchronized via Dropbox ...
If not using Launchy , spend a moment to download and try it ... If you often work glued to the keyboard in a couple of days know not live without it!

Can Anyone Get Worms ?

Fotografies: premiere tomorrow on Channel 33 (Televisió de Catalunya) Dynamic Views via Blogger

In late December last year commented on the blog that TV3 had announced the issuance of a program dedicated to photography. Well today, through Caborian feed've seen the release announcing the program for tomorrow 08/04/2011, at 21:45. The first chapter of this series is "The landscape photography."

The program website is Fotografies .

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Is It Possible For Someone To Hack A Dongle

When I walked into Blogger to write the previous post, did I get a little bubble in which it encouraged me to share with you a new way to show blog content . I'm saying that if I currado a personal matter based on brains -or if I applied a skin to the blog, "I want to be distinguished from the rest, right?

No, at least from the standpoint of the Blogger team. (Note: Is it my impression, and lately it seems that I complain about everything?)

Anyway, I appreciate the innovation of the guys from Blogger let me get this blog online ... Additionally, you may not like having a brain background thread while reading ... In any case, you can view the blog using one of the five offering dynamic views Blogger adding / view / the end of the url. For the laziest of the class, leave a link to each of these dynamic views below (my favorite is Sidebar):

Cervical Mucus Tinged With Pink

Formatting FAT32 disks from Windows 7

After experimenting in my own flesh the great LG service (to the point of proposing some improvements ), we fix the DVD to proposed service. Incredibly, the repair of equipment amounted to 202.5 eur, VAT included, to which we responded that we were not interested.

We collect the faulty equipment and exploded amused me (and photographing) for an afternoon. The following week, we bought a new computer, with characteristics similar to the previous LG, SAMSUNG brand but for 189euro (new and two year warranty).

The fact is that, in addition to having fun photographing the plants, he wanted to recover the damaged DVDs to reuse 160GB disk inside. That would replace the disk I have in an external box connected to DVD and where I play the series (120GB). Thus, it 120GB to DVDR pierce my mother, who, after fail the disc was holding a 20Gb disk which was only home ...

Fixed initial problems to dump the image that I made at the time of the original record of my mother's computer and transfer it to 120GB disk (after backing up all series), I installed without problems the DVDR from my mother.

As for the 160GB disk failed recovered from LG, I formatted it and put it next to the new Samsung DVDR. It was not until a few days ago when we decided to continue with the viewing with Boston Legal, the series we're following at this time my partner and I, we encounter a problem: the DVDR does not recognize the hard disk .

After some research, it appears that the problem is that Windows 7 format by default all external drives over 32GB capacity in a new format that Microsoft has released the manga: exFAT .

One main drawbacks of this type of file system is rarely used beyond the PC's: for example, is not recognized by DVDR (or cameras or other gadgets) In fact , from what I've seen on Wikipedia, there are problems using it from Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 or Windows Vista not be to install a service pack !

Another detail quality of people at Microsoft is that neither seems to be formatted as FAT32 from Windows 7, as is clear from the comments where I found the solution to the problem: How to format as FAT32 from Windows 7/Vista .

The only solution to format to FAT32 in Windows 7 is to use a third party program called clevere , fat32format . The application can be downloaded from the website of its creators,, and it seems to have a version GUI (ie no need to throw it from the command line.)

So this afternoon I have to pass all the series to the PC hard drive, format the disk, and replace the series (which are few gigs) simply because since Microsoft will not let me format a disk as FAT32.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How To Make Aluminum Airplane Propellar

La juventud no se queda quieta en Barajas

We, the youth with no future, we headed for the public to show our disagreement with the policy of the government's social cuts and the most serious consequence and the greatest impact on These measures represent future: youth better prepared in our history will live worse than their parents.

aggression against the youth group at a stage of capitalist crisis, with a youth unemployment rate of 40%, the highest in the EU, consisting mainly in three steps:

or Reform labor temporary increases in our contracts, labor flexibility and involves the disappearance of collective bargaining, becoming precarious work / life-as
or reforming the pension system, which delays the retirement age and reduce the amount of our future pensions and are more difficult to find a decent job. This poses a future horizon without
o The commercialization of public education, which focuses on private profit and not for the training and knowledge. An elite university to a factory in precarious minority to a majority, with measures that are specified in a new selectivity hampering the college access and degradation of training.

face out of the crisis on the right, we and us, the poor generation, pointed out the culprits and we demand to be heard.

not need money, Sobran thieves! Barajas

More information:

Friday, April 1, 2011

Possible To Get Erection At 62 Years Old

Nueva placa para el parque de Mari Luz Nájera

After years and years of struggling neighborhood, meetings, demonstrations and eager to do justice to the memory Mari Luz Najera finally put in your memory a plaque with the details and reasons for his death.
We want to thank all those people that made this change possible, thank you for your will to fight and make our people, a people with a fair and antifascist memory.

A great struggle, a great victory!
For a united and spirited
Barajas Castilla