Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How To Make Your Hair Like Davie

The first claim (Vizcaya). Huesca

direction of Emergency coordinate a collision today artificial distinction between several vehicles in a tunnel. Interbiak monitor the galleries of the highway.

This afternoon, the sirens of police cars, the cortachapas of firefighters and ambulance stretchers come for the first time on stage in South Metropolitan Alternative. The e-Care Emergency Basque Government, in collaboration with Interbiak, the company responsible for statutory construction and management of the highway known as Supersur, organized for today a mock traffic accident inside one of the 14 galleries that cover the 50% of the path between Trapagaran and Bilbao.

are involved in the actual device Ertzaintza Fire Bilbao Bizkaia, Osakide-tza, Red Cross management specialists Emergency Care and Interbiak, from whose central control station will record the whole operation. The process is not open to nothing more than bodies operating in Emergency such accidents and that after analyzing the fault simulation to solve them ahead of the opening of the highway next June.

This is the last coordinated intervention, in terms of road safety is concerned, to be carried out on the highway after the training for fire inside the tunnels, mock accidents real fire and familiarization visits Supersur in recent months have been carried out by both fire dependent Provincial Council of Bizkaia and which are the responsibility of the City of Bilbao. The simulation of the incident road is the first carried out in a road tunnel Biscay since 2006, according to provincial sources have indicated. That does not mean that safety is not monitored within the miles covered that cover the geography of Bizkaia. Javier

Cobeaga, responsible statutory Inspection Agency Tunnels Bizkaia, explains that "in fact has not organized a global simulation style that makes the Bilbao metro, but that does not mean that all devices are not prepared. " Ensures that in the absence of media simulations, "actions are performed continuously to ensure that the procedures work and that technical work properly in the event of an incident. Thus, it meets the spirit of the rule to be prepared. "


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