Monday, April 25, 2011

Stillmans Freckle How To Use

Torneo de futbol chapa comunero en Madrid

In order to recover the popular games and have a good while realizing that they should not be linked only to the smallest it has created the first commoner tournament sheets.
Any person who wishes to participate in this game can do so with only two requirements. First pay a fee of 2 euros a day of the tournament. Second build for himself a whole or equipment which must be imitation (with real clothes and real names) of the template of a current club who played in the top three divisions in the state.
To register would have to send an email with your name and the name of the target host (must be attentive to the answer because if caught you will respond to e asignándote other default shall manufacture) @
Prizes to the winner and one whose plates are most original tenor of the jury of experts.
Rules: Each player will have 8 players (including the goalkeeper) can make 3 changes per game. Have two moves per turn, booked for a foul any contact with an opponent before contact with the ball. If the same player commits 3 fouls will be warned if you make 5 expelled. If the ball just inside the plate is hand. Matches will
two periods of 15 minutes and 5 off, to ensure the proper functioning of the game and will have the invaluable assistance of Messrs. pleasantly collegial Iturralde González, Undiano Mallenco y el no menos ilustre Fermín el del banderín.
Las inscripciones al torneo se cerraran el próximo 26 de Abril. Todos los partidos se jugarán el sábado 30 de Abril a partir de las 19:30.
Lugar: Asociación Cultural Castilla Comunera.
C/ Picos de Europa, 45. Madrid.
Metro: Portazgo.


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