Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cervical Mucus Tinged With Pink

Formatting FAT32 disks from Windows 7

After experimenting in my own flesh the great LG service (to the point of proposing some improvements ), we fix the DVD to proposed service. Incredibly, the repair of equipment amounted to 202.5 eur, VAT included, to which we responded that we were not interested.

We collect the faulty equipment and exploded amused me (and photographing) for an afternoon. The following week, we bought a new computer, with characteristics similar to the previous LG, SAMSUNG brand but for 189euro (new and two year warranty).

The fact is that, in addition to having fun photographing the plants, he wanted to recover the damaged DVDs to reuse 160GB disk inside. That would replace the disk I have in an external box connected to DVD and where I play the series (120GB). Thus, it 120GB to DVDR pierce my mother, who, after fail the disc was holding a 20Gb disk which was only home ...

Fixed initial problems to dump the image that I made at the time of the original record of my mother's computer and transfer it to 120GB disk (after backing up all series), I installed without problems the DVDR from my mother.

As for the 160GB disk failed recovered from LG, I formatted it and put it next to the new Samsung DVDR. It was not until a few days ago when we decided to continue with the viewing with Boston Legal, the series we're following at this time my partner and I, we encounter a problem: the DVDR does not recognize the hard disk .

After some research, it appears that the problem is that Windows 7 format by default all external drives over 32GB capacity in a new format that Microsoft has released the manga: exFAT .

One main drawbacks of this type of file system is rarely used beyond the PC's: for example, is not recognized by DVDR (or cameras or other gadgets) In fact , from what I've seen on Wikipedia, there are problems using it from Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 or Windows Vista not be to install a service pack !

Another detail quality of people at Microsoft is that neither seems to be formatted as FAT32 from Windows 7, as is clear from the comments where I found the solution to the problem: How to format as FAT32 from Windows 7/Vista .

The only solution to format to FAT32 in Windows 7 is to use a third party program called clevere , fat32format . The application can be downloaded from the website of its creators,, and it seems to have a version GUI (ie no need to throw it from the command line.)

So this afternoon I have to pass all the series to the PC hard drive, format the disk, and replace the series (which are few gigs) simply because since Microsoft will not let me format a disk as FAT32.


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