Sunday, April 10, 2011

What Are Arecapilaries

Formula 1: Live Timing and more in

Through this article on Engadget , knew the possibility of obtaining additional information on the Formula 1 Grand Prix. This morning I logged in to access web the official time table .

Through a Java applet can have on screen time, in real time, sector by sector pilots and other career related information.

At the top are several tabs providing information to help mode on all the data shown in colorful display. Furthermore, in the right side panel, the system displays information about what is happening on the track.

On the left side of the window are three tabs vertical we can select other "display screen."

In the second, we have information on conditions and weather forecasts, which in a circuit like today is important (although today, against all expectations, it has not rained).
In this screen, including the time, measures have maximum speeds for different drivers ...

Finally, the third tab, we have the evolution in terms of gain or loss of positions of each driver.
However, my first experience with implementation has been somewhat bittersweet: on the one hand, the timing information, sector by sector, turn by turn, provides a very clear idea of \u200b\u200bhow it evolves the race. It also allows to be aware of what is happening with less media drivers who often lack too share screen ... However, information overload is having to be very aware of what goes on the computer screen ... So you're missing much of the action television. In addition, commentators provide interesting information regarding, for example, time differences between certain drivers and the total time pit-stop, which, as a mere amateur, I do not usually have too much in mind. The information sector to sector can see if a driver is hunting the leading front, if the difference is large or not, if something happened has not been seen on screen and is doing a pilot waste time. .. It is also interesting to know the time difference between the drivers, since it is one of the factors to consider when to get a driver to pit and have some foresight on what position back on track ...

Although all this information is there in the times tables, it is difficult for an untrained eye the handle with the agility necessary for it to be useful during the race.

However, an interesting experience I encourage you to try, if you like Formula 1.


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