Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Congratulations Japanese Wedding

hosts a course of international cooperation in fire management in tunnels. The tunnel Cantalobos

Huesca province has 39 kilometers of underground channels that will be increased on completion of ten works started. This course, in which 41 experts participated in the State Emergency Services, aims to raise awareness of emergency protocols and security methods.

The central government representatives in Huesca hosted for the 4th, 5th and 6th of April, a course 'International Cooperation in Fire Management in Road Tunnels' , which enrolled a total of 41 specialists various State Emergency Services to meet emergency protocols and security methods that are used to avoid disasters in tunnels. Huesca province has 39 kilometers of tunnels.

The course has been framed in the training program of the National School of Civil Protection and is classified as level II. Students from the Autonomous Communities of Andalusia, Aragon, Asturias, Canarias, Cantabria, Catalonia, Madrid, Murcia, Basque Country, La Rioja and Valencia, in addition to operating personnel and fire services in the province of Huesca.

during the conference insisted that the tunnels, by their nature, are points where the authorities must take special care to safety from the beginning.

The galleries evacuation, the number of niches or operating manuals or drills are basic questions to ensure good ventilation and that the security response to problems that could arise is immediate.

These terms are referred to by the chairman of Road Tunnels Technical Association of Roads, Rafael López Guarda, who has moved to "there are a number of problems in the tunnels as the ventilation, lighting and signage that makes the approach to security must be made since the inception of project work ".

is, as mentioned, an issue "important" in the province of Huesca, where there are 39 kilometers of tunnels owned by the State and other government , who is going to add another 10 kilometers of tunnels are being built, such as Pedralba. It has also highlighted the Somport tunnel, with 8.3 km is the longest in Spain.

Lopez has pointed out that "it will be very important Pedralba tunnel, 2.8 km, bidirectional, as well everything is going to take from a single control center that is being done in Monrepós, from which you will control, maintain, operate and manage the security of the tunnels of all the A-23. "

The aim of this course is to introduce the fundamental principles for the control of emergencies by fire in road tunnels , know the different security facilities that have these facilities, show the current status of procedures intervention against fire and encourage discussion among professionals for the standardization of procedures for intervention against fires in tunnels. Full

During the afternoon the first day of the course will have visited one of the tunnels Monrepós, in advanced stages of implementation, where students were able to observe in situ many of the issues raised in the theoretical time .

The second day of the course was devoted entirely to emergency intervention . Earlier, the Chief Fire and Civil Protection of the region of Alto Gallego, Oscar Aguarta Nasarre, interventions discussed in tunnels unequipped. Then the Chief of the Division of Fire Operations of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Roberto Gomez Valbuena, developed a presentation on the interventions in tunnels equipped.

After a brief rest, held a panel discussion moderated by Oscar Aguarta Nasarre, which was attended by the representative of the Generalitat of Catalonia, who explained the system of emergency management in tunnels in Catalonia, the Deputy of the chief Fire Group south of the Pyrenees-Atlantiques, Antoine Ruiz, who presented the French organization , and the Director of Prevention and Fire Fighting and Rescue Services of the Government of Navarra, Javier Vergara Falco, who recounted the experience Navarra and operation of the Special Plan for emergencies in tunnels.

the afternoon, they visited the tunnel Somport to learn the system of emergency management in an international tunnel, facilities and safety measures and the operation of their own intervention team that exists in the tunnel.

Finally, the morning of Thursday, April 7, performed live-fire practice in the tunnel of La Manzanera , assigned to that activity by the Roads Unit of the Ministry of Development. Practices were directed and supervised by members of the Fire Service County High Gallego and Emergency Service Sompot Tunnel.

The overall coordination of the course was conducted by the Civil Protection Unit of the Prefectures. Huesca

collaborates with the National Civil Protection

The central government representatives in Huesca collaborates regularly since 2001 with the National Civil Protection in organizing courses on emergencies in tunnels. With this, there are now eight courses have been conducted in Huesca from that date on the issue of emergency in tunnels.

tunnels infrastructure roads are safer, more secure than open-air sections, as shown by the statistics of accidents.

However, when an accident occurs within, often have important consequences and media coverage that favored by the general public a wrong perception of risk, greater than a secondary road. Therefore requires a specific treatment.

The activities of the services involved in the resolution of the emergency can not be done without close cooperation and collaboration between different services and the various authorities concerned, ultimately, through coordinated action.

In this area of \u200b\u200bsafety in tunnels, in late 2009 initiated a program drills in the tunnels of road network in the province state, which exercises have been conducted in the tunnels of San Simon (A-2), Golf (N-260), Olvena (N-123), COTEFABLO (N-260) and Monrepós (N-330) in a joint action undertaken with the Roads Unit of the Ministry of Development, with fire services in the province, Ci Fel Guard, Government of Aragon (Civil Protection and 061) and the Red Cross.

also once a year a mock international Somport tunnel in which they are involved all levels of government and emergency services English and French as well as internal quarterly exercises without mobilization of external resources.

Information extracted from: www.aragon2.com


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