Saturday, April 9, 2011

Wedding Invitations Noon

home Tricks: pan fish and how to maintain 'safe' the phone in the kitchen

Today, unlike other times, I share a couple of tips related to home cooking.

The first, a way to distinguish the pans. At home we have a dedicated pan fish. To avoid cooking meat in it (and to identify it quickly through the rest), we a wire tying those with closing the bags of bread. It is a simple, practical and washable.

There is a picture of the pan in question (right after washing):
The other trick is related with the fact that I spend the time spent washing dishes with headphones, listening to music. The problem is that in more than one occasion, I hear when I call on the phone.

To resolve the issue, put the phone in one of the handles to open the locker. Thus, if someone calls me, I see as the screen lights up and I can answer without problems (by activating the speakerphone, because they often have wet hands and / or full of soap).
To avoid accidents, as the phone falls into the sink full of water, tie the phone to the door handle ... So, if I try put the hands free, without thinking or open the closet door gravity causes of theirs ...
... there are greater evils than sorry;)


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