Saturday, April 16, 2011

What Does Canine Oral Cancer Look Like

virtual Optimizer. NET Windows that monopolizes the CPU

spend much time in the library. In general, libraries are quiet and tranquil places where you can concentrate on do what you gotta do without anything or anyone distract you.

With the advent of computers to libraries, is common to hear the little sounds of Windows that run at startup or shutdown the computer. Although more than one occasion I've wondered if people do not know how to use the volume control button to start mute the speaker system, the noise that bothers me, by far, the computer is producing the noise fan.

ironies of life that bothers me is that my computer . Some time ago, I even raised relegate the laptop home, a noisy environment (in general) and use the library for an old laptop but quieter.

Case is that one day I do not know exactly why, ceased to be noisy fan running all the time at maximum power. It is true that I changed the BIOS settings (specifically, for the fan to stop working all the time) and even installed a program to control the temperature and speed ... Nothing worked ... Until one day, without more, the laptop fan stopped making noise.

Now, from time to time, the fan starts at full speed , but normally only when the processor is loaded (and I'm doing a task that fucks the processor) is ie, the fan turns at maximum because the processor needs it.

However, today, again in the library, the fan is activated, for no apparent reason, and has run at full speed .

After analyzing the memory consumption of different applications, I thought that the problem would Chrome ... But I've gone off an application after another, and the fan was butt. I thought that maybe there was something in the background doing their own, so I decided to reboot to kill the root of the problem.

you begin the restart process, I have seen what was the source of high CPU consumption and therefore the fan speed: Windows Update (which has been made to install an update).

When the laptop is started again, not only the fan has not returned to its normal resting state, but has encouraged further. That was when, searching processes "without finding anything, I open the Resource Monitor .

There has been a program, he alone consumed 49% of the CPU: mscorsvw.exe . After of several times to kill the process and see how it reappeared, I saw that whatever was tied to a service. I searched Google and it turns out the culprit, again, is Microsoft, the mscorsvw.exe Optimizer is a of. Net

Apparently. NET has to be precompiled in order to function properly, so after you install an update, released this optimizer. The thing is, as indicated on this page of MSDN, the process runs with low priority precisely not to consume the resources of the machine.

However, something should not work as it should if the post is entitled, precisely, mscorsvw.exe What and why is monopolizing my CPU? (translation) . Or perhaps is that, since then (the article is from 2005), Microsoft has changed its policy and now it runs on low priority ...

My complaint, as always, has to do with the code to be compiled. NET, sincerely, that I do not care. What annoys me, as usual, is that not report me, I can not ask or not ask me permission to do so, especially when it impacts on the performance of my job. So complicated would be to launch a dialog box that says: " The system must perform optimization tasks 2354325 package. NET. This may take several minutes. " Next, launch a window with a progress bar-which should make real progress for a change, with a button "Cancel ." If the task is canceled, you may ask again after a while (in the style of Windows updates). Perhaps with a little more work, the system itself could take the optimization when it detects that the system is doing nothing (instead of launching the screensaver, for example) ...

The article also says other things, that 64-bit systems, the two optimizers (the 32 and 64 bit) try not to run concurrently, which in my case, this has not happened .. .

In any case, since Microsoft not offer a more elegant way to do it, I had to stop optimization services to sack:
  • Right click on My Computer , Manage . In
  • Services and Applications, select Services . Seeking
  • between services until you find 4 servings optimization! (two of whom were executed) and stop:
    • Microsoft. NET Framework NGEN
    • v2.0.50727_X64 Microsoft. NET Framework NGEN
    • v2.0.50727_X86
    • Microsoft. NET Framework NGEN Microsoft v4.0.30319_X64
    • . NET Framework NGEN
    • v4.0.30319_X86
Currently, the laptop fan speed has dropped and I could go on, "so to speak, with my work. In total, including the time of writing this post, I lost almost an hour of time.


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