Wednesday, December 22, 2010

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"I made the earth, and created man upon it. Me, my hands stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded" (Isa. 45:12).

Adam and Eve received knowledge by communicating directly with God, and learned of him through his works. All created things, in its original perfection, were an expression of God's thought. For Adam and Eve nature was full of divine wisdom. But by transgression, the human family was deprived of the knowledge of God through direct communion, and a great degree, which got through their work ... On each page of the large volume of His created works may still notice the writing of his hand. Nature still speaks of its Creator. However, these revelations are partial and imperfect. And in our fallen state, with weak powers and limited vision, we are unable to interpret them correctly. We need the fuller revelation which God has given of himself in his written word (Education, pp. 14, 15).
All heaven is interested deeply and happily in the creation of the world and Adam and Eve. Humans were a different order. Were created in the image of God "and was the Creator's will that populate the earth. Must live in close communion with heaven, receiving and absorbing the power of the great source of power. Supported by God would live free from every stain of sin.
But Satan was determined to scupper the plan of God. Nor should we try to understand the reasons for that being closer to Christ in the heavenly courts introduced the envy and jealousy in the angelic hosts. They reported their dissatisfaction to many, and there was war in heaven which culminated in the expulsion of Satan and his sympathizers. No need to concentrate our minds to unravel the reason why Satan acted as he did. If there is a reason, would have an excuse for sin. But sin has no justification. There is no reason that human beings pass through the Satan walked the same ground ...
After being expelled from heaven, Satan decided to establish his kingdom on earth. Through him sin entered the world with sin and death. By listening to his distorted version of God, Adam fell from his high position and a deluge of woes spilled over our world. Adam's transgression is not justified. God had made provision to meet all your needs. He did not need anything else. There was only a ban ... And Satan used this limitation to spread their malicious suggestions (Manuscript 97, 1901). EGW

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More information:

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self-rescue equipment for underground works.

More information:

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New control system for personal control of emergency services are acting in high-risk as fire and emergency parking, meters etc. tunnels. More information on the website

Information provided by: Toni Perez (SSCP).

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


And all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. (2 Tim. 3: 12).

In his experience the apostle John under persecution, is a wonderful lesson in power and strength for the Christian. God does not prevent the plots of evil men, but that makes their devices to work together for good to them that in the conflict test and maintain their faith and loyalty. . .

work of faith is trusting God in the darkest hour and feel, despite being severely tested and whipped by the storm, that our Father at the helm. Only the eye of faith can see beyond these things correctly estimate the value of eternal riches.

Jesus presented to his followers the hope of attaining earthly glory and riches and to live a life free of evidence. Instead, he called to follow in the path of denial and blame. He who came to redeem the world was opposed by the united forces of evil. . .
This will be with all who wish to live godly in Christ Jesus. Persecution and reproach await all who are dominated by the spirit of Christ. . .

the ages Satan has persecuted the people of God. Tortured his children and gave them to death, but his death came to be winners. One testified to the power that is stronger Satan. Evil men can torture and kill the body but can not destroy life is hidden with Christ in God. They can imprison men and women within the prison walls, but can not tie up the ghost.

In the midst of trial and persecution, the glory-the-character of God revealed in His elect. . . Follow Christ in the midst of painful conflicts, supporting the dedication and experience bitter disappointments, but that they learn what is guilt and misery of sin, and come at him with loathing. When participating in the sufferings of Christ, can see the glory beyond the dark and say, "Because I have to reckon that at this time endures, not compare with the glory that we shall be revealed "(Rom. 8: 18) (The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 459-461).


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Campaign in December 2010. Against youth migration of Castile and Leon.

investigated by means of counter-information, we find this a great initiative Blog Castilianist shaped by young people interested in getting to see our youth, the big problem Castilla suffers from migration to large cities, leaving aside these lands popular, we leave a link where you can read more your project . The portal

Castilla ... wake up! we have started the campaign against the emigration of young Castilian Castilla y León.
this campaign, we'll try to get a few places throughout Castilian-Leonese possible, try to raise awareness of our land, the real exodus of young people who suffered for decades and which compromises seriously generational change in northern Castile.
This exodus, which the political leaders of the Junta de Castilla y León tiptoe, makes our country the most deserted and distressed in Europe, already in the collective imagination, poor soil, full of grandparents and without no future.
A region "geriatric."
why our campaign is especially aimed at young people of Castile and Leon, to encourage them to fight for their land, to say, that although the situation is really bleak, our land is worth and we can turn this around process of abandonment of Castile and Leon, although whether nearly 40,000 young people who have had to leave our community in the last decade, creating awareness English (and English) can create a land with a future, and proud of herself. Castilla y Leon with a future, in short.
Therefore we encourage all young people of Castile and Leon, to disseminate, support and / or assist in the campaign, as they wish. The future of Castilla well worth it.
Do not turn your back on your land

More information:

Castilla Barajas

Monday, December 20, 2010

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people with joy, with joy to his chosen. (Ps. 105: 43).

With loins girt, sandals footwear, and staff in hand, the people of Israel stood in reverent silence, yet expectant, waiting for the royal command ordered them to go. Before morning came, and were on their way... That day completed the history revealed to Abraham in prophetic vision centuries before: "Know certainly that your descendants will stranger in a land not theirs, and will serve there, and they shall afflict them four hundred years. But also people who will, I judge: and afterward shall they come with great wealth "(Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 286, 287).
By removing Israel from Egypt, God again manifested His power and mercy. The wonderful work done to free them from captivity and how they treated them in their journey through the desert, were not only for the benefit of Israel. They were to be an object lesson to the surrounding nations. The Lord revealed himself as a God was above all authority and human greatness. Signals and wonders that did for his people showed their power over nature and the most exalted worshipers of it.

God passed by the proud land of Egypt and pass through the earth in the last days. With fire and tempest, earthquake and death, the great I AM redeemed his people. He pulled it out of the land of slavery. Guided him through "a great and terrible wilderness, wherein were fiery serpents, and scorpions, and drought" (Deut. 8: 15). They drew water from "the rock of flint" and fed "corn of heaven" (Ps. 78: 24). "Because, as he told Moses that part of the Lord is his people, Jacob the lot of his inheritance. He found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness, He led him about, he instructed, kept him as the apple of his eye. As an eagle awakens its nest, hovers over her young, spreads its wings, taketh them, beareth them on her wings: so the Lord alone did lead him, there was no strange god with him "(Deut. 32: 9-12). Thus brought to him so they could live under the shadow of the Almighty (Christ's Object Lessons, pp. 269, 270).


Sunday, December 19, 2010

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But the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, and this is not going to let children of Israel. (Exodus 10: 20).

How the Lord hardens the hearts of men? In the same way it was hardened Pharaoh's heart. God sent the king a message of warning and mercy, but he refused to acknowledge the God of heaven and would not obey his commands. He asked: "Who is the Lord, I hear his voice?"

The Lord gave evidence of his power by signs and wonders before him. The great I AM familiar to Pharaoh with his wonderful works, showing that he was the ruler of heaven and earth, but the king chose to defy the God of heaven. Did not consent to humiliate his stubborn heart even before the King of kings, to receive the light was determined to follow own way, leading to the end their rebellion. Chose to do his own will, and put aside the commandment of God, and the same evidence that Lord was on all the gods of the nations, over all the wise men and magicians, only served to blind the mind and strengthen your heart.

If Pharaoh had accepted the evidence of the power of God given in the first plague, would have saved all the trials that followed. But his stubbornness marked demonstrations calling for even greater power of God, and the plagues fell one after another until he was called to look at the lifeless face of his own firstborn and those of his race, while the children of Israel, whom he had como esclavos, no sufrieron daño de las plagas, ni fueron tocados por el ángel destructor. Dios mostró sobre quiénes descansaba su favor, quiénes constituían su pueblo (Carta 31, 1891).

Cada evidencia adicional del poder de Dios que el monarca egipcio resistía, lo conducía a desafiar a Dios con más fuerza y persistencia. . . Este caso es una ilustración clara del pecado contra el Espíritu Santo. "Todo lo que el hombre sembrare, eso también segará". Gradualmente el Señor retiró su Espíritu. Al quitar su poder refrenador, el rey quedó a merced del peor de los tiranos: el yo (SDA Bible Commentary, tomo 1, pág. 1100).

E. G. W.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

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"Who is the Lord?" GOD SENT

not be deceived: God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. (Gal. 6: 7).

Pharaoh stubbornly planted, and reaped obstinacy. The same put that seed in the ground. From God was no more need to interfere with a new power in their growing need for there to interfere with the growth of a grain of corn. All that is required is to let the seed germinate and grow to bear fruit after its kind. Harvest reveals the kind of seed has been sown (SDA Bible Commentary, vol 1, pg. 1100).

Pharaoh saw the Spirit of God working mightily; saw the miracles of the Lord through his servant, but refused to obey God's command. The rebel king had said proudly: "Who is the Lord, that I should obey His voice to let Israel go?..." [Exo. 5: 2]. And as the judgments of God fell upon him with more power, more he persisted in his stubborn resistance. In rejecting the light of heaven, their hearts hardened and became insensible. The providence of God was revealing His power, and these events, not being accepted, were the means of hardening Pharaoh's heart to a greater light. Those who exalt their own ideas over the clearly stated will of God, they are saying as Pharaoh did: "Who is Yahweh that I should obey his voice?". Every rejection of light hardens the heart and obscures the understanding and thus men are more and more difficult to distinguish between right and wrong and become more bold in resisting the will of God (Ibid.).

who once yielded to the temptation to give in more easily the second time. Any repetition of sin diminishes the strength to resist, blind eyes and stifles conviction. Any indulgence seed to be planted will bear fruit. God does not work miracles to prevent harvesting. . . The reckless expressing disbelief and indifference to divine truth, no harvest but what he sowed. This is how the crowds with stubborn indifference hear the truths that once stirred their souls. Planted neglect and resistance to the truth, and that's what they collect (Patriarchs and Prophets, pg. 274). EGW

Friday, December 17, 2010

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Come therefore now, and will send you to Pharaoh, to bring out of Egypt my people, the children of Israel. (Ex. 3: 10).

The time of the liberation of Israel had arrived. But God's purpose was to be realized in such a way that showed the futility of human pride. The Liberator was to go forward as a humble shepherd with only a rod in his hand, but that God would arch symbol of his power. . .

The divine command to Moses found confidence, slow to speak and shy. I was overwhelmed with the feeling of his incapacity to be a mouthpiece for God to Israel. But having accepted the work, he entered wholeheartedly, putting all his trust in the Lord. . .

God blessed his ready obedience, and became eloquent, confident, calm and suitable for most work ever given to man. This is an example of what God does to strengthen the character of those who trust him completely and without reservation fulfill their mandates.

Man gains power and efficiency when he accepts the responsibilities that God has placed in him, and tries with all his soul train how to do them well.

however humble his position or limited their ability, this will achieve true greatness if, trusting in divine strength is to carry out their work faithfully. . . As he walked away

of Midian, Moses was a terrible and shocking manifestation of the Lord's displeasure. An angel appeared to him in a threatening manner, as if to destroy immediately. Gave no explanation, but Moses recalled. . . had ceased to perform the rite of circumcision on their minor child. . . In his mission to Pharaoh, Moses was to expose to great danger, his life could be preserved only by protecting the holy angels. But it would be safe while having a known duty unfulfilled, as the angels of God will not be entitled to rely.
At the time of trouble will come immediately before the coming of Christ, the righteous will be guarded by the ministry of the holy angels, but no security for the transgressor of the law of God. Angels can not then protect those who are disregarding one of the commandments of God (Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 256, 260, 261). EGW

Thursday, December 16, 2010

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Learning and unlearning

If any of you lacks wisdom, ask God, that giveth to all liberally and without reproach, and will be given. (James 1: 5).

Moses spent forty years in the deserts of Midian as a shepherd. Apparently forever section of the mission of his life, the discipline was essential to its realization (Education, pg. 59).

Moses had learned many things I had forgotten. The influences that had surrounded him in Egypt, the love of his adoptive mother, his own high position as the king's grandson, licentiousness which prevailed everywhere, refinement, subtlety and mysticism of a false religion, the splendor of idol worship , the solemn grandeur of architecture and sculpture, all this had left a deep impression on his mind then in development, and to some extent had molded their habits and character.

time, the change of environment and communion with God could do away with these impressions. Require on the part of Moses himself almost a fight to give up the error and accept the truth, but God would be their helper when the conflict is too severe for human forces ...

To receive help from God, man must recognize his weakness and deficiency, should strive to realize the great change that has to be checked on him. . . Many do not reach the position it would occupy expect God to do for them what he has given them power to do for themselves. . .

cloistered within the ramparts that formed the mountains, Moses was alone with God. The magnificent temples of Egypt and was not impressed with his falsehood and superstition. In the solemn grandeur of the everlasting hills perceived the majesty of the Almighty, and by contrast, realized how powerless and insignificant were the gods of Egypt. Everywhere he saw written the name of the Creator. Moses seemed to be in his presence, overshadowed by his power. There were swept away his pride and self-confidence. In the austere simplicity of desert life, disappeared results of comfort and luxury of Egypt. Moses became patient, reverent and humble, "very meek, above all men who were on the earth" (Numbers 12: 3), however, was strong in his faith in the mighty God of Jacob (Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 234, 255). EGW

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured as seeing the Invisible. (Heb. 11: 27).

Moses had a deep sense of personal presence of God. Not only looked through the centuries waiting for Christ to manifest in the flesh, but he saw Christ in a special way to accompany the children of Israel in all travel. God was real to him, always present in his thoughts. When he was misinterpreted when he was called to face danger and endure insults for the love of Christ, suffering without retaliation. Moses believed in God and in Him whom they wanted, and who helped him because of his need. God was for him a present help.
lot of faith we see is merely nominal; scarce the true faith, trusting and persevering. Moses made in his own experience the promise that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. He had respect for the recompense of reward. In this there is another point we wish to study faith, God will reward a man of faith and obedience. If this faith penetrates the life experience, will enable each of those who fear and love God to endure trials. Moses was full of confidence in God, because he had faith he appropriated their promises. Needed help, prayed for her, she clung to the faith, and wove in their experience the belief that God cared. He believed that God ruled his life in particular. Saw and acknowledged God in every detail of your life, and felt I was under the eye that sees everything, weighing the reasons and try the heart.

looked to God, and hoped that he would give strength to overcome temptation. . . God's presence was enough to make it through most painful situations in which a man could be placed.

Moses simply did not think God saw him. God was the constant vision he had before him, never lost sight of his face. He saw Jesus as their Savior, believing that the merits of the Savior will be charged. This faith was not for a fancy Moses, it was a reality. That's the kind of faith we need: faith that will stand the test. Oh how many times we give in to temptation because we do not keep our eyes on Jesus! (Testimonies, vol 2, pp. 267, 268). EGW

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

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by higher light the reproach of Christ riches than the treasures of Egypt, because he looked to the reward. (Heb. 11: 26).

Moses had studied. Was imbued with all the science of the Egyptians, but this was not the only requirement needed to prepare for his work. In the providence of God, should learn to have patience, to master their passions. In the school of self-denial and hardship he was to receive an education that will be of great benefit. These tests prepare it for dispensing a paternal care to all who needed his help. No knowledge, study or scholarship could replace that experience to someone testing you should watch for souls as one who has to be accountable. To perform the work of a humble pastor, to forget oneself and caring for the flock placed in their care, was to prepare for the most exalted work ever given to mortals, that of being the shepherd of the sheep in the meadow of the Lord .

who fear God in the world must be in communion with him. Christ is the most perfect teacher who once met the world. For Moses was more valuable to receive his wisdom and knowledge that all the teachings of the Egyptians. . Moses
Faith led him to contemplate the invisible things, eternal. He left the splendid attractions of the life of the court because there was the sin. Apparently abandoned the good that was within reach and that it led only to ruin and destruction. For him real attractions were worthless, eternal. The sacrifices made by Moses was not really sacrifices. Lost an apparent good, present, promising to get good insurance, high, immortal.

Moses endured the reproach of Christ, considering it more valuable than all the riches of Egypt. He believed what God had said and could not be deflected from its integrity by any of the taunts of the world. Walked the earth as a free man of God. . . He looked at the invisible things and not hesitate. Felt the attraction of the reward, and so can happen with us. He was a friend of God (Testimonies, Volume 4, pp. 343, 345). EGW

Monday, December 13, 2010

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And Moses was taught all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was mighty in words and deeds. (Acts 7: 22). Moses

supposed to education in the wisdom of Egypt had trained down to take the children of Israel from slavery. Was not anything learned in all I had to know a military general? Had not had the major advantages of the best schools in the kingdom? Yes, he felt he could deliver them. First addressed trying to gain favor with people making their own justice. He killed an Egyptian that oppressed one of his brothers. In doing so, said the spirit of one who is a murderer from the beginning, and proved that he was unworthy to represent the God of mercy, love and tenderness. His first attempt turned into a miserable failure. Like many others, immediately lost their trust in God
and turned his back to the work entrusted to him.
fled from the wrath of Pharaoh. Concluded that because of their error. . . God would not let him take any part in the work of freeing his people from their cruel bondage. But the Lord let these things happen to show kindness, compassion and patience that all workers need the Lord. . . While

Moses in the same peaks of human glory, the Lord allowed to reveal the folly of human wisdom, the weakness of human power to make him understand your utter helplessness and inefficiency without the support of the Lord Jesus (Fundamentals of Christian Education, pp. 342, 344).

By killing the Egyptian, Moses had fallen into the same mistake so often their ancestors, that is, had tried to do for himself what God had promised to do. God did not intend to free his people through war, as Moses thought, but by his own mighty power, the glory was attributed only to him. However, even this rash act he used the Lord to accomplish his purposes. Moses was not prepared for his great work. He had yet to learn the same lesson of faith that they had been taught to Abraham and Jacob, ie not to depend, to fulfill the promises of God, strength and human wisdom, but of divine power (Patriarchs and Prophets , pg. 253). EGW

Sunday, December 12, 2010

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a slave mother

Train a child in his way, and when he is old he will not depart from it. (Prov. 22: 6).

Jocabed was a woman and slave. His lot in life was humble and heavy load. However, the world has not received greater benefits through any other woman, with the exception of Mary of Nazareth. Knowing that his son had to move quickly for their care to those who did not know God, even more fervently strove to unite his soul with heaven (Education, pg. 58).

tried to instill reverence for God and love of truth and justice, and prayed fervently that it was preserved from all corrupting influence. He showed the folly and sin of idolatry, and from an early age taught him to kneel and pray to the living God, who alone could hear him and help any emergency.

Moses's mother retained as long as he could, but was forced to surrender when I was twelve years old. From his humble cottage was taken to the royal palace, and the daughter of Pharaoh prohijó. But Moses is not effaced the impressions he had received in childhood. He could not forget the lessons he learned with his mother. We were a shield against pride, disbelief and vices that flourished amid the splendor of the court.

How extensive in its results was the influence of that single Jewish woman, despite being a slave banished! The whole life of Moses and the great mission which he fulfilled as the leader of Israel attest to the importance of the work of a pious mother. No other task can equal this. In a great degree, the mother shapes with their hands the destiny of their children. Influences the minds and characters, and work not only for the present but also for eternity. Sowing the seed that will germinate and bear fruit, either for good or evil. The mother did not have to paint a beautiful way on a canvas or chisel marble, but you have to burn the image of God in the human soul. . .

every mother that your time is priceless, his work will be tested in the solemn day of accountability (Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 249, 250). EGW

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multiple vehicle accident in the tunnel enterior San Jose (Malaga).

On November 27, there was a pileup of 40 vehicles inside the tunnel, San Jose (Malaga). The great circulatory collapse following the accident created a large extent hampered access the various emergency services and assistance to the scene, real situation far removed from those created in the drills. Attached are some pictures as well as the chronicle of the accident.

article: JAVIER LERENA (

Shortly after 14.20 pm this afternoon a truck has collided against one of the pillars of the tunnel, San José, at kilometer 242 of the A-7, Torremolinos sense, right on the out that this tunnel is for the A-45. Emergency sources confirmed to this newspaper, no serious injuries in this accident, only two women have been injured and have been taken to hospital Clínico. In the pile-up have been involved about forty vehicles.

face sources said the accident which had access to the paper, a tractor had collided in the output to the A-45 of the tunnel itself, towards Antequera. "The truck crashed was built in the deviation of the tunnel, but never to clog the road and the exit on the A-45" says this witness, who also reports that the truck driver has escaped unscathed from the accident.

Following the crash, the truck began to leak diesel fuel containing deposits, broken after the brutal clash. The fuel is one of the most dangerous for road safety, especially if mixed with water. Both elements form a viscous paste that made the tunnel of San Jose in a skating rink. Little could the passive safety systems, such as ABS or EPS. The cars arrived at the accident site clashed against each other in a straight line. So up to 40.

But the diesel still played another dirty trick to drivers circulating in the opposite direction, towards Almeria. There was no effect 'voyeur' because most of the tunnel is walled by concrete panels from seeing what happens to the other side. These panels are also sealed both directions and prevent liquid passing from one side to another or spread a fire. In addition, the tunnel has a curb that prevents water from passing from one side to another. Is a measure of safety in mind at all tunnels. "The problem that has caused many accidents following the crash of the truck is that operators have cut the panels to the floor [on relief efforts after the accident]. Then, the mixture 'milky' of diesel and water has flooded the tunnel the other way and has become another rink, "says this witness, who does not understand this action in the works before the accident inside the tunnel.

Despite the number of vehicles involved, about 40, there are no fatalities or serious. Two women, aged 21 and 42, were injured and have already been taken to hospital Clínico de Málaga.

from circulation Rincon de Victoria has been diverted to the output source and Monte Olletas Dorado, which also suffers from the bypass traffic jams, as the A-7 in both directions.

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Olandixo tunnel design features (Basque Country).

Report magazine published by the Urban Area, in its October issue, where explores a range of facilities established in the tunnel Olandixo in Arrasate.

Information provided by: Joseba www.ikus

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Fire Drill in tunneling work in Baden-Baden (Germany). Exercice d'Evacuation

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dans le Tunnel du Puymorens

Saturday, December 11, 2010

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bitterness caused him, he shot through, and I hated the archers, but his bow remained strong. (Gen. 49: 23, 24).

Joseph's life illustrates the life of Christ. It was envy that led to Joseph's brothers selling him into slavery.

hoped to prevent it to become superior to them. And when he was taken to Egypt, and boasted that they would not be bothered with his dreams and that they had eliminated any possibility that they were fulfilled. But its action was counteracted by God and he did serve to meet the same event that sought to prevent. In the same way the priests and Jewish leaders were jealous of Christ and feared would divert attention from their people. Killed him to prevent it to become king, but in so doing caused the same result. By

bondage in Egypt, Joseph became El Salvador to the family of his father. However, this fact did not lessen the guilt of his brothers. Also, the crucifixion of Christ for his enemies did the Redeemer of mankind, the Saviour of the lost race and ruler of the world, but their crime was so heinous murderers as if the providential hand of God had not directed the events for own glory and good of mankind.

Just as Joseph was sold to the heathen by his own brothers, Christ was sold bitterest enemies by one of his disciples. Joseph was falsely accused and thrown into prison for his virtue, so Christ was despised and rejected because his life straight and selfless rebuked sin, and though it did not cause any harm, was convicted by the testimony of false witnesses. Patience and gentleness of Joseph under the injustice and oppression, the pardon granted spontaneously and noble kindness to his brothers treatment, the patient no complaints represent the Savior in the midst of malice and abuse of wicked men, and forgiveness for not only the murderers, but also to all who join themselves to Him confessing their sins and seeking forgiveness (Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 244, 245). EGW

Friday, December 10, 2010

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Behold, the fear of the Lord is wisdom, and to depart from evil is understanding. (Job 28: 28).

The checkered life of Joseph was not by chance, was ordered by Providence. But how were trained to leave a record that firmness of character, honesty and wisdom? That was the result of careful upbringing in their early years. José consulted to duty before the tilt, and the purity and simple trust of the young fruit brought in the actions of man. The brightest talents are worthless unless they are used, work habits, strength of character and good mental qualities are no accident. God gives opportunity, success depends on our use of them. We must quickly discern opportunities should hold on to Providence and longing (Testimonies, vol 5, pg. 321).

not only for the kingdom of Egypt, but for all nations concerned with that powerful kingdom, God manifested through Joseph. He wanted to make light bearer for all peoples, and placed him in second place after the throne in the greatest empire the world, so that the heavenly light could be extended far and near (Testimonies, vol 2, pp. 477).

Few realize the influence of the little things of life in the character development. No task that we meet is really small. The varied circumstances that we face every day are designed to test our fidelity, have enable us to greater responsibilities. Adhering to the principle in the ordinary transactions of life, the mind gets used to maintain the claims of duty above pleasure and inclinations. Disciplined minds in this way do not hesitate between good and evil, like the reed that trembles in the wind, are loyal to duty because they have developed habits of loyalty and truthfulness. By fidelity at least, have the force to be faithful in larger matters. An upright character is of more value than the gold of Ophir. Without it none can rise to an honorable position. But the character is not inherited. You can not buy. Moral excellence and good mental qualities are not the result of chance. The most precious gifts are worthless unless they are exploited (Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 223, 224). EGW

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Mock Subfluvial tunnel accident (Argentina). Simulation in the tunnel

News taken from:

On the morning of December 5, 2010 has carried out a simulated accident at the Santa Fe side of the underwater tunnel, with the presence of security agencies of the viaduct, and sappers Volunteer Fire Paraná and neighboring provinces, and ambulance equipment of high complexity.

The operation , Which began at 9.15, is organized every year and is due to the need for extreme security measures in accidents that happen in this case the connection is handled interprovincial.En people who participated in a collision between a Renault Kangoo and a Renault Clio, which left three injured and complete closure of the link with the logic complications that it causes traffic.

Each of the persons who participated in the activity had hung a poster referring to its function also provided for the presence of staff from Health and Safety biprovincial.Los body first to arrive at the scene of the accident, on Inside the tunnel, side-Santa Fe Firefighters were sappers Paraná and at first reviewed the status of the injured and vehicles. Minutes later did the same effective volunteer fire department, both of Santa Fe Parana, while the emergency ambulance service had a delay of approximately 15 minutes. Meanwhile, relatives of the injured cases were shown overwhelmed by the situation and each time asking for help to rescue the injured.

A personal side of Electromechanical the underwater tunnel was to contain the families of the victims while the calm to cope with the situation better. There were four ambulances with medical staff who showed up to ferry the injured, one with head trauma and loss of consciousness, one with abrasions and the remainder with airway obstruction.

In another part of the fire drill fuel capped with sand that had lost one of the vehicles under impact. Once the wounded were taken to various medical centers, we proceeded to clear the area and clean the asphalt using fire hoses to enable traffic again.

sued the operation in total about 45 minutes, time was scheduled in advance and according to the evaluation of those responsible for the activity was highly satisfactory balance. Authorities

underwater tunnel Begnis Raúl Uranga-Silvestre looked positively the actions of security agencies and the time spent on the emergency in the viaduct.

Embroidery Bracelet Music Note

AVE Petrus (Border between Spain and France).

News taken from:

The second simulation of the three tunnel under the Pertús, the crossing of the AVE line between Spain and France, has resulted in success after playing an injury accident situation inside the tunnel.

The aim of these three actions planned to ensure safety in the tunnel, whose entrance into service is planned later this year. The direction of the exercise has taken place since the command center of the north entrance, in France, while the south has enabled support an operation. The situation has included the arrival of firefighters inside the passage from Spain and France and later with subsequent medical evacuation of wounded and the installation of a hospital.

The first drill was held on November 4 with the collaboration French Prefecture of the Eastern Pyrenees and the Generalitat. On that occasion he played a fire in the rear of the train, which stopped four kilometers from the northern entrance of the tunnel.

The third and final drill to control security in the Pertús will take place on November 30.