Sunday, December 19, 2010

Pokemon Soulsilver For Mac?

But the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, and this is not going to let children of Israel. (Exodus 10: 20).

How the Lord hardens the hearts of men? In the same way it was hardened Pharaoh's heart. God sent the king a message of warning and mercy, but he refused to acknowledge the God of heaven and would not obey his commands. He asked: "Who is the Lord, I hear his voice?"

The Lord gave evidence of his power by signs and wonders before him. The great I AM familiar to Pharaoh with his wonderful works, showing that he was the ruler of heaven and earth, but the king chose to defy the God of heaven. Did not consent to humiliate his stubborn heart even before the King of kings, to receive the light was determined to follow own way, leading to the end their rebellion. Chose to do his own will, and put aside the commandment of God, and the same evidence that Lord was on all the gods of the nations, over all the wise men and magicians, only served to blind the mind and strengthen your heart.

If Pharaoh had accepted the evidence of the power of God given in the first plague, would have saved all the trials that followed. But his stubbornness marked demonstrations calling for even greater power of God, and the plagues fell one after another until he was called to look at the lifeless face of his own firstborn and those of his race, while the children of Israel, whom he had como esclavos, no sufrieron daño de las plagas, ni fueron tocados por el ángel destructor. Dios mostró sobre quiénes descansaba su favor, quiénes constituían su pueblo (Carta 31, 1891).

Cada evidencia adicional del poder de Dios que el monarca egipcio resistía, lo conducía a desafiar a Dios con más fuerza y persistencia. . . Este caso es una ilustración clara del pecado contra el Espíritu Santo. "Todo lo que el hombre sembrare, eso también segará". Gradualmente el Señor retiró su Espíritu. Al quitar su poder refrenador, el rey quedó a merced del peor de los tiranos: el yo (SDA Bible Commentary, tomo 1, pág. 1100).

E. G. W.


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