Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Maternity Clothes At The Gap In Canada


"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Tim. 2:15).

The Lord will not lead to the minds now to put aside the fact that the Holy Spirit led to his servants to proclaim in the past. Many sincerely investigate the word for light, as did others in the past, and see the light in the Word. But can not the same experience as those who lived when these warning messages were proclaimed for the first time. As there had this experience, some do not appreciate the value of the truths that have been for us as signposts, which have made us a peculiar people. Not correctly apply the Scriptures, and thus invent theories that are not correct. It is true that plenty quote Scripture and teach much that is true, but the truth is so mixed with error, leading to wrong conclusions. And yet, because they can weave the Book with their own theories, they think they have a really strong brand. Many people who have not participated in the early messages, accept those theories are wrong and false paths taken, and so backward instead of forward ...
Satan is working to repeat the history of the Jewish nation in the experience of those who claim to believe present truth. The Jews had the Old Testament, and knowledgeable experts believed it. But they made a terrible mistake. Considered that the prophecies referring to the glorious second coming of Christ in the clouds of heaven alluded to his first coming. As did not come according to what they expected, turned away from him ... That
Satan himself is currently working to weaken the faith of the people of God. There are people ready to seize every new idea. The prophecies of Daniel and Revelation are misinterpreted ... These messages, when received and work according to them, they carry out their work of preparing a people to remain standing in the great day of God. If we search the scriptures to confirm the truth that God has given His servants to the world, come to proclaim the message of the first, second and third angel.
is true that there are prophecies yet to be fulfilled. But it has repeatedly done a play wrong, and it continues to be carried by those who seek to find a new light on the prophecies, and they begin to depart from the light God has given. The Messages of Revelation 14 are the ones who will test the world, are the everlasting gospel, and must be resonating everywhere (Manuscript 32, 1896). EGW


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