Saturday, December 11, 2010

Fluids Before Periods

bitterness caused him, he shot through, and I hated the archers, but his bow remained strong. (Gen. 49: 23, 24).

Joseph's life illustrates the life of Christ. It was envy that led to Joseph's brothers selling him into slavery.

hoped to prevent it to become superior to them. And when he was taken to Egypt, and boasted that they would not be bothered with his dreams and that they had eliminated any possibility that they were fulfilled. But its action was counteracted by God and he did serve to meet the same event that sought to prevent. In the same way the priests and Jewish leaders were jealous of Christ and feared would divert attention from their people. Killed him to prevent it to become king, but in so doing caused the same result. By

bondage in Egypt, Joseph became El Salvador to the family of his father. However, this fact did not lessen the guilt of his brothers. Also, the crucifixion of Christ for his enemies did the Redeemer of mankind, the Saviour of the lost race and ruler of the world, but their crime was so heinous murderers as if the providential hand of God had not directed the events for own glory and good of mankind.

Just as Joseph was sold to the heathen by his own brothers, Christ was sold bitterest enemies by one of his disciples. Joseph was falsely accused and thrown into prison for his virtue, so Christ was despised and rejected because his life straight and selfless rebuked sin, and though it did not cause any harm, was convicted by the testimony of false witnesses. Patience and gentleness of Joseph under the injustice and oppression, the pardon granted spontaneously and noble kindness to his brothers treatment, the patient no complaints represent the Savior in the midst of malice and abuse of wicked men, and forgiveness for not only the murderers, but also to all who join themselves to Him confessing their sins and seeking forgiveness (Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 244, 245). EGW


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