Wednesday, December 22, 2010

50 Dollars Or Less Dresses


"I made the earth, and created man upon it. Me, my hands stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded" (Isa. 45:12).

Adam and Eve received knowledge by communicating directly with God, and learned of him through his works. All created things, in its original perfection, were an expression of God's thought. For Adam and Eve nature was full of divine wisdom. But by transgression, the human family was deprived of the knowledge of God through direct communion, and a great degree, which got through their work ... On each page of the large volume of His created works may still notice the writing of his hand. Nature still speaks of its Creator. However, these revelations are partial and imperfect. And in our fallen state, with weak powers and limited vision, we are unable to interpret them correctly. We need the fuller revelation which God has given of himself in his written word (Education, pp. 14, 15).
All heaven is interested deeply and happily in the creation of the world and Adam and Eve. Humans were a different order. Were created in the image of God "and was the Creator's will that populate the earth. Must live in close communion with heaven, receiving and absorbing the power of the great source of power. Supported by God would live free from every stain of sin.
But Satan was determined to scupper the plan of God. Nor should we try to understand the reasons for that being closer to Christ in the heavenly courts introduced the envy and jealousy in the angelic hosts. They reported their dissatisfaction to many, and there was war in heaven which culminated in the expulsion of Satan and his sympathizers. No need to concentrate our minds to unravel the reason why Satan acted as he did. If there is a reason, would have an excuse for sin. But sin has no justification. There is no reason that human beings pass through the Satan walked the same ground ...
After being expelled from heaven, Satan decided to establish his kingdom on earth. Through him sin entered the world with sin and death. By listening to his distorted version of God, Adam fell from his high position and a deluge of woes spilled over our world. Adam's transgression is not justified. God had made provision to meet all your needs. He did not need anything else. There was only a ban ... And Satan used this limitation to spread their malicious suggestions (Manuscript 97, 1901). EGW


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