Sunday, December 5, 2010

Kannada Birthday Slogns

ESTEBAN, the first Christian martyr

"Then they, with loud voice, stopped their ears, and ran at him with one. And cast him out of the city, stoned, and the witnesses laid their clothes at the feet of a young man named Saul" ( Ac. 7:57, 58).

Stephen was the first Christian martyr ... The enemies of God and truth are shown agitated by hatred and opposition. Satan has driven to resist the truth. Stephen would have to confront the cunning arguments and the most deceptive tricks intended to demolish their arguments. If Stephen had not studied the scriptures and have strengthened the evidence of the Word of God, could not withstand trial, but he knew the basics of their faith was strong and was ready to respond to their opponents. Esteban
emerged victorious. He spoke with conviction, wisdom and power that surprised and confused the enemy of truth. When they noticed that they were defeated in each of his attempts, then bent to destroy it. If these men who professed to be honest and wise men had been seeking the truth, admitted that they were to have irrefutable evidence ... But this was not their purpose. Christ hated, hated their followers thus stoned Stephen (Manuscript 17, 1885).
Stephen, a man loved by God who worked in the work of winning souls to Christ, lost his life because he dared to offer a triumphant testimony to the crucified and risen Savior. The Scriptures say as a man of faith and power that made wonders and miracles among the people .... But the spirit that had emerged in opposition to the Redeemer of the world still working in the midst of the sons of disobedience. The hate that the enemies of truth had come out against the Son of God, demonstrating to his followers. They could not even hear of Him whom they crucified, and the fact that Stephen would dare to give testimony so brave, filled them with anger ...
In the light they saw on the face Esteban, men of authority had a sign from God. But the rejection of such evidence. Oh, if they had attended! Oh, if they had repented! But they did and blame God sprang from the lips of his faithful witness: "You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Spirit. As your fathers did, so do you" ...
Here are two armies in conflict. The host of heaven and the army of false religious zealots. Which side will enlist this group? It was still possible to repent and be forgiven for the terrible evil they did against Christ in the person of His holy male (Manuscript 11, 1900). EGW


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