Thursday, December 9, 2010

Why Is Waygu So Expensive

Seest thou a man diligent in his work? Before kings; not be ahead of those of low status. (Prov. 22: 29).

From jail, Joseph was exalted to be ruler of all the land of Egypt. It was an honorable, however, was fraught with difficulties and risks. One can not occupy a high position without danger. As the tempest leaves unharmed the lowly flower of the valley, while it uproots the stately tree upon the mountaintop, so those who have maintained their integrity in humble life may be dragged into the pit by the temptations that beset the success and honor mundane. But Joseph's character bore the test of both adversity and prosperity. Expressed in the palace of Pharaoh the same fidelity to God was shown in a prisoner's cell. It was still a stranger in a heathen land, separated from his kindred worship God, but he fully believed that the divine hand had directed his steps, and always trusting in God he faithfully discharged the duties of the position. Through Joseph the king's attention and great in Egypt was directed toward the true God, and although they continued to adhere to idolatry, they learned to respect the principles revealed in the life and character of the worshiper of Jehovah.

How did Joseph give such an example of firmness of character, honesty and wisdom? In its early years had followed the duty rather than inclination, and integrity, the simple trust and willingness of the young noble fruition in the actions of man. A simple and pure life had favored the vigorous development of both physical and intellectual faculties. Communion with God through his works and the contemplation of the great truths entrusted to the inheritors of the faith had elevated and ennobled his spiritual nature to expand and strengthen your mind like no other studio could have done. Faithful attention to duty in every position, from the lowest to the highest, had brought all their faculties to the highest service. He who lives by the will of the Creator takes with it the most positive development and noble character (Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 222, 223). EGW


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