Friday, December 10, 2010

What Dose The In Side Of A Vergina

fire drill in the tunnel María Peña (Trebino).

News taken from:

A mock accident truth or lie, depending how you look. The setting chosen by the Basque Government for the staging of the exercise was practical tunnel María Peña, in the Trebino, and type of incident to war, large and menacing flames. As usual in such cases is to determine the response time and methodology applied by the members of the Department of Emergency Lakua, led by an old acquaintance of Vitoria, Pedro Anitua, and improve errors, especially regarding the coordination of resources.

are trying to reach the highest levels of realism within the logical and appropriate security measures so that the tunnel was closed María Peña northward along all morning. The mock execution fire raised for the day yesterday watching a case of three fatalities and three wounded. The resolution of this alleged crisis involving, among others, members of the Emergency Response Division of the Basque Government, whose officials described as "highly satisfactory" outcome at the conclusion of the exercise.

Although the simulation did not start until 11.00 am, the traffic began to be modified from 9.00. Were available for this diversion of traffic through the tunnel short, so that two lanes were configured to direct north-south traffic and one for the north-south traffic. Within

the drill, which was designed to effectively verify the correct functioning of the emergency system for fire, intercept of 112 units, both in Burgos and Alava, as the tunnel is located in the provincial boundary. Firefighters were also involved Miranda de Ebro and Vitoria, as well as members of the Guardia Civil, Ertzaintza, and civil protection staff of the Delegation of the Basque Country government, central government representatives of Burgos, the Ministry of Development and the Provincial Foral de Álava, among other agencies and private companies.


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