Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Rc Sand Rail Blueprint

his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brethren, they hated him. (Gen. 37: 4).

Jacob's sin and the series of events that had brought did not fail to exert their influence for evil, and she was bitter fruit in the character and life of their children. When these children grew to manhood committed serious offenses. The consequences of polygamy was revealed in the family. This terrible evil tends to dry up the wellsprings of love and its influence weakens the most sacred ties. Jealousy of the several mothers had embittered family relationships, children were contentious and contrary to the direction, and the father's life was clouded by anxiety and pain.

However, there was a very different character, namely the eldest son of Rachel, Joseph, whose rare personal beauty seemed but reflect the beauty of his spirit and heart. Pure, active and happy, the young also revealed seriousness and moral strength. I listened to the teachings of his father and delighted in obedience to God. . . Having lost his mother, his affections clung more closely to his father, Jacob's heart was tied to this child of his age. "He loved... Joseph more than all his children."

But even this affection was to be a source of sorrow and pain. Jacob unwisely left to see his predilection for Joseph, and this is why the jealousy of other children. . . The gift reckless Jacob made Joseph a costly robe. . . raised the suspicion that he intended to prefer more to give the birthright to the son of Rachel. Their malice was further increased when the young man told them One day a dream he had. . .

At that time the girl was in front of the them, her beautiful face lit by the Spirit of inspiration, his brothers could not contain his admiration, but would not leave their bad ways, and hatred felt rebuked purity their sins. The same spirit that I encourage Cain was kindled in their hearts (Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 208-210). EGW


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