Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What Does Prolonged Qt Feel Like


How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God? (Gen. 39: 9).

It is always a critical period in the life of a young man to be separated from the influence and wise counsel of the home and go through new environments and distressing evidence. But if not voluntarily placed in such situations of danger, well away from the parent domain, if for reasons beyond itself is placed in distress and clings to God for the strength to endure, treasuring the love of God in his heart will be saved from succumbing to temptation by the power of God that put him in the test situation. God will protect it from being corrupted by the strong temptation. God was with Joseph in his new home. This went down the path of duty, suffering evil without doing evil. To implement their religious principles in everything he did, love and protection of God be upon him (Letter 3, 1879, pg. 7).

faith and integrity of Joseph were of greater refinement by fire tests. The master's wife tried to seduce the young man to violate God's law. Hitherto he had remained untainted by the evil that abounded in that pagan land, but how would face this temptation, so sudden, so strong, so seductive? Joseph knew very well what the result resistance. On one side there was concealment, favor and awards, on the other, disgrace, imprisonment and possibly death. His whole future life depended upon the decision at that time. "Triumph of good principles? Do you remain true to God? The angels were witnessing the scene with unspeakable anxiety.

Joseph's answer reveals the power of religious principles. He would not betray the trust of his master on earth, and whatever the consequences, would be faithful to his heavenly Master. Under Eye Searcher of God and holy angels many take liberties of which would not be guilty in front of their peers. But Joseph thought first in God. "How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?" he said.

If we were to cherish an habitual impression that God sees and hears everything we say and do, and it preserves a faithful record of our words and actions, which we face in the final day, we would fear to sin (Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 216, 217). EGW


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