Friday, December 17, 2010

Part Time Office Cover Letter

Come therefore now, and will send you to Pharaoh, to bring out of Egypt my people, the children of Israel. (Ex. 3: 10).

The time of the liberation of Israel had arrived. But God's purpose was to be realized in such a way that showed the futility of human pride. The Liberator was to go forward as a humble shepherd with only a rod in his hand, but that God would arch symbol of his power. . .

The divine command to Moses found confidence, slow to speak and shy. I was overwhelmed with the feeling of his incapacity to be a mouthpiece for God to Israel. But having accepted the work, he entered wholeheartedly, putting all his trust in the Lord. . .

God blessed his ready obedience, and became eloquent, confident, calm and suitable for most work ever given to man. This is an example of what God does to strengthen the character of those who trust him completely and without reservation fulfill their mandates.

Man gains power and efficiency when he accepts the responsibilities that God has placed in him, and tries with all his soul train how to do them well.

however humble his position or limited their ability, this will achieve true greatness if, trusting in divine strength is to carry out their work faithfully. . . As he walked away

of Midian, Moses was a terrible and shocking manifestation of the Lord's displeasure. An angel appeared to him in a threatening manner, as if to destroy immediately. Gave no explanation, but Moses recalled. . . had ceased to perform the rite of circumcision on their minor child. . . In his mission to Pharaoh, Moses was to expose to great danger, his life could be preserved only by protecting the holy angels. But it would be safe while having a known duty unfulfilled, as the angels of God will not be entitled to rely.
At the time of trouble will come immediately before the coming of Christ, the righteous will be guarded by the ministry of the holy angels, but no security for the transgressor of the law of God. Angels can not then protect those who are disregarding one of the commandments of God (Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 256, 260, 261). EGW


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