Thursday, December 2, 2010

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"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but my Father only" (Matt. 24: 36).

Some concepts have been well received, but this was because these people lack the discernment to understand the true scope of the arguments that you presented. Have had only limited experience in the work of God for this time and can not see where the lead their views, and neither you can see where it will. They are ready to approve their statements, they see nothing in them other than what is right. But they are deceived, because you have woven many Scriptures with their own theories. Their arguments seem compelling to them.
But not so with those who have had an experiential knowledge of truth that applies to the last period of the history of this world. While they see that you claim some precious truths, they also see that you have misapplied the Bible, and placed their tickets in a context of error that do not belong, and this has done to enforce what is not the truth is this ... According to the statement that God has given me the Scripture that you have woven, or fully understand them yourself ...
I had to speak clearly with respect to which this form away to others the right paths. I gave this message through the pen and the word "Do not go after them." The most difficult task I had to make in relation to the topic at hand, was dealing with a person I knew I wanted to follow the Lord. For a time he thought he received new light. Was seriously ill and not had much time for life ... Those who presented their views listened eagerly, and some thought it was inspired. Had prepared a diagram and used the Scriptures in their reasoning to show that the Lord would come on a certain date, I think in 1894. Many people felt that their concepts had not a fault. They spoke of their strong appeals filed on his sickbed. Looked wonderful visions. But what was the source of his inspiration? He was administered morphine to relieve their pain ...
No person shall set a date for the coming of Christ has a true message. You can be assured that God does not give anyone authority to say that Christ delays his coming five, ten or twenty years. "Therefore be ye also ready: for the Son of Man will come when you do not expect ..."
And everyone working together with God contend earnestly for the faith once delivered unto the saints. Not deviate from the message this time, which is illuminating the earth with his glory. Out of the glory of God, not worth fight for anything else. The only rock that will remain is the Rock of Eternity. The truth as it is in Jesus is the only refuge in these days when the predominant error (Letter 32, 1896). EGW


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