Saturday, December 4, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Get Over Risperidone


"Who gave himself for us to redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. It speaks, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. No one will underestimate ( Titus 2:14,15).

When we appreciate the truth was first recognized as biblical truth, how strange it seemed and how strong was the opposition that we faced in presenting it to people at first, but how earnest and sincere were the obedient workers who loved true! We were indeed a peculiar people. We were few in number, without wealth, without knowledge or worldly honor, but we believed in God, and we were strong and we were successful, terrorizing the wrongdoers. Our love for each other was firm, and not easily moved. Then the power of God manifested among us, the sick were healed, and was very calm and holy joy and sweet.
But while the light has continued to grow, the church has not advanced proportionately. Pure gold has gradually blurred, and death and formalism have been to lock the energies of the church. Its abundant privileges and opportunities have led to God's people forward and upward to the purity and holiness. A faithful use of the talents that God has entrusted to increase these talents greatly. Where much is given, much will be requested. Those who faithfully accept and appreciate the light that God has given us, and take a high and noble decision, with dedication and sacrifice will be channels of light to the world ...
Nobody has the right to start driving on their own responsibility and in our newspapers present ideas about certain biblical doctrines, giving greater importance, when we know that others among us have different opinions about it and that it will create controversy. Day Adventists did this. Each followed his own independent view and tried to present original ideas, until there was no concerted action among them, except, perhaps, in their opposition to the Seventh-day Adventists. We should not follow suit ...
Brothers and sisters, we must not float to drift with the current popular. Our current work is to leave the world and separate him. This is the only way we can walk with God as Enoch walked ... Like him, we are called to have a strong faith alive and active, and this is the only way we can be partners with God. We comply with the conditions outlined in the Word of God, or die in our sins. We need to know what changes we make essential moral in our character, by the grace of Christ, in order to be fit for the heavenly mansions (Letter 53, 1887). EGW


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